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State Government relinquishes its State interest in that Project property. With respect to any <br />Project property financed with State assistance under this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to <br />comply with the following .provisions of this Agreement, except to the extent the Department <br />determines otherwise in writing: <br />a. Use of Proiect Prooerty. The Contractor agrees to use Project property for <br />appropriate Project purposes (which may include joint development purposes that generate <br />program income, both during and after the award period and used to support public <br />transportation activities) for the duration of the useful life of that property, as required by the <br />Department. Should the Contractor unreasonably delay or fail to use Project property during the <br />useful life of that property, the Contractor agrees that it may be required to return the entire <br />amount of the State assistance expended on that property. The Contractor further agrees to <br />notify the Department immediately when any Project .property is withdrawn from Project use or <br />when any Project property is used in a manner substantially different from the representations <br />the Contractor has made in its Application or in the Project Description for this Agreement for <br />the Project. <br />b. General. The Contractor agrees to comply with the property management <br />standards of 49 C.F.R. §§ 18.31 through 18.33, including-any amendments thereto, and with <br />other applicable Federal and State regulations and directives. Any exception to the <br />requirements of 49 C.F.R. §§ 18.31 through 18.33 requires the express approval of the <br />Department in writing. <br />c. Records. The Contractor agrees to keep satisfactory records pertaining to <br />the use of Project property, and submit to the Department upon request such information as <br />may be required to assure compliance with this Section 14 of this Agreement. <br />d. Encumbrance of Project Prooertv. The Contractor agrees to maintain <br />satisfactory continuing control of Project property as follows: <br />Project 07-US-056 Page 36 of 49 <br />Orange County <br />