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tradeoff between price and pertormance, where quality is considered an integral pertormance <br />factor. <br />k. Award to Other than the Lowest Bidder. In accordance with State statutes, a <br />third party contract may be awarded to other than the lowest bidder, if the award furthers an <br />objective (such as improved long-term operating efficiency and lower long-term costs). When <br />specified in bidding documents, factors such as discounts, transportation costs, and life cycle <br />costs will be considered in determining which bid is lowest. Prior to the award of any contract <br />equal to or greater than $2,500 to other than apparent lowest bidder, the Contractor shall submit <br />its recommendation along with basis/reason for selection to the Department for pre-award <br />approval. <br />I. Award to Responsible Contractors. The Contractor agrees to award third <br />party contracts only to responsible contractors who possess potential ability to successfully <br />perform under the terms and conditions of the proposed procurement. .Consideration will be <br />given to such matters as contractor integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past <br />pertormance, and financial and technical resources. Contracts will not be awarded to parties <br />that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in <br />Federal assistance programs or activities in accordance with the Federal debarment and <br />suspension rule, 49 C.F.R. 29. For procurements over $25,000, the Contractor shall comply, <br />and assure the compliance of each third party contractor and subrecipient at any tier, with the <br />debarment and suspension rule. FTA and the Department recommend that grantees use a <br />certification form for projects over $25,000, which are funded with Federal and/or State funds. A <br />sample certification form can be obtained from the Department. The Contractor also agrees to <br />check a potential contractor's debarment/suspension status at the following Web site: <br /> <br />Project 07-US-056 Page 34 of 49 <br />Orange County <br />