Orange County NC Website
0 <br />No large day care home may be operated in a residence except as permitted under this <br />Ordinance and only after approval has been issued by the Zoning Officer. <br />An application fora eme center in a residence for 3 to 12 children <br />shall be filed with the Zoning Officer and shall be submitted on forms provided by <br />the Zoning Officer. Such forms shall be prepared so that when completed a full and <br />accurate description of the proposed use, including its location, appearance and <br />operational characteristics, are disclosed. <br />In addition to the application, the applicant is required to submit a site plan of the <br />property on which the large day ear-e home center in a residence for 3 to 12 children <br />is to be located. The site plan shall show the location of the residence in which the <br />large day ear-e home center in a residence for 3 to 12 children is to be located in <br />relation to existing property lines and adjacent homes; the location, number, and <br />means of access to required off - street parking areas; and the location and type of <br />required landscaping and/or screening. <br />Upon a determination that the application is complete, the Zoning Officer shall cause <br />a review of the application to be made. The review-shall determine if the proposed <br />large day eafe home center in a residence for 3 to 12 children conforms with all <br />requirements of this Ordinance. Based on the review, the application will be <br />approved, approved with conditions or denied. <br />If conditions are attached to the approval, they may address deficiencies in meeting <br />specific chapter requirements or they may address specific impacts, which result from <br />the operation of the large day eaFe heme enter in a residence for 3 to 12 children. In <br />the latter case, the conditions may include, but not be limited to, limitations on the <br />hours of operation, location of play area, the number of vehicles to be parked on the <br />premises, and the location of a storage area or parking on the property. In addition, <br />the Zoning Officer may require greater setbacks and/or additional landscaping or <br />screening to adequately screen the large day eafe heme center in a residence for 3 to <br />12 children from adjoining properties. <br />If the application is approved, either with or without conditions, the Zoning Officer <br />shall send the applicant a letter informing him or her of the approval and of the <br />requirements of the chapter that apply to the center in a residence for 3 to 12 children <br />large day eare hem e. The letter must be signed by the applicant to indicate his or her <br />willingness to operate the eme center in a residence for 3 to 12 <br />children in conformance with the requirements and conditions set forth in the letter. <br />Each letter shall be kept on file by the Zoning Officer and shall constitute the <br />approval for the large day rare heme center in a residence for 3 to 12 children in <br />question. <br />If the application is denied, the Zoning Officer shall notify the applicant of the denial <br />and shall state the reasons for denial in writing. The applicant may appeal the <br />C;::C`c»n�relrc:r,,ly: i'U1ltit;�t.,T ?;v:iili TT:`•ZitbST'ublif C {E1ii:;5F'.1tlY' T C,I!!It7I.7d ('a >c ^'sstiiitlti AT f'G T'7?!:Ai_TC. Ti'1:iARING.&C <br />