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P14 <br />�,)_ �das �ad J <br />3. Orange County Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments <br />a. Family, Group, and Rehabilitative Care Amendments <br />Consideration of amendments to bring the Zoning Ordinance in line with the State <br />standard for each of these facilities including classification of the facilities, clearer <br />definitions, approval procedures, and locational criteria. <br />Planning Supervisor Robert Davis said that these text amendments are an effort to bring the <br />ordinance closer to the State definitions. There may be some additional changes coming forth <br />on the mental health portion of the rules. The three categories are family care, group care <br />facilities, and rehabilitative care facilities. This falls into the category of residential uses for <br />adult day care, Hospice facilities, assisted living facilities, group homes for the developmentally <br />disabled, maternity homes, etc. These uses are allowed in all residential districts in the <br />County. Recently, there have been some definition changes at the State level with regard to <br />mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse facilities and services. <br />Through the definition changes, there are now some facilities that are classified as being <br />residential family care homes as a use by right. They are proposing to allow the service code <br />classifications (on page 3). The State does require that the lead management agency, the <br />Local Management Entity, determine whether or not a facility is required. This is only for the <br />mental health category. There must be a letter of support for the facilities. A lot of different <br />agencies will have to be involved in this and zoning is just the land use portion of this. The <br />rules are constantly changing at the State level. He said that he probably would not put the <br />codes in the ordinance itself, except to maybe use it as a reference in the office to determine <br />the categories. <br />John Link said that he would urge being cautious prior to changing codes until there is a clear <br />understanding of what is going to happen in mental health and other facilities. He could see <br />that some codes might be created that would prevent some kind of facility from being served by <br />the revenue stream. He said that they should do only what they have to do by some kind of <br />federal regulations. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels a great need for the big picture in trying to adjust <br />the regulations. She made reference to pages 12 and 13 and that definitions are being <br />amended. She is not sure what the State is requiring of the County. She asked for a better <br />overview of what is required. <br />Robert Davis answered several clarifying questions for Commissioner Gordon. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that this be presented to the Planning Board and that Judy <br />Truitt and Nancy Coston attend the meeting where this is presented. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this was the best effort to respond to a changing situation, <br />but she would like to know the options. She would like a better explanation of what is being <br />required and what the range of responses might be. <br />Jay Bryan asked for another way to present the category because it is hard to grasp. He <br />does not have a good understanding of how the permitting is done now in the County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to refer <br />the proposed amendments to the Planning Board for a recommendation and returned no <br />sooner than January 24, 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />