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FE08ftAL ~Rl3ENCY MANACiEMLNT A3ENCY <br />GERTiFIGATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND <br />OTHER RESPONSIBiE,1TY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REtZU{R5ME1~I'i'S <br />Applicaata should refer to Ute re$aiabions cited below to determine the certification to which they are regttired to attest Appiteaats <br />should also review the instructions for certification included is the regulations before completing th#s form, Signature an this <br />form provides for compliauce witL certification requdr~ements tmdet 44 CFR Part 18, "New Restric#ions on Lobbying; end 28 CFR <br />Patt 27, "Government•,wlde Debarment and suspension iNonprocm~ement) and Govetttment-wide Requirements for Drug•FSree <br />Worltplace (Grants)," The cestiFicatians shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance wiII be placed <br />when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deterwlnes to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative <br />agreement. <br />A As required by sedfon 1352,'Tltle 31 of the U.S Cods, and <br />implemented at 44 CFR Part 18, forpersons entering into a grarK <br />or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 44 CFR <br />Part 18, the aPRUcant certifies that: <br />(a) No Federal appropriated hrrtds have been paid or wS be paid, <br />by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for infiuenang or <br />attempting to tnfluencs an officer or employee of arty agengr, a <br />Member of Congroas, an offcer ar employee of cortSpeaa, or an <br />employee of a Member of Ogress in oonnectlort with the making <br />of any Federal gram the entering Into of any oooperagve agreement, <br />and the axtertslon, continuation, renewal, amendment; or nadtficaUOn <br />of any Federal grarrt or cooperative agreement; <br />(b) t) any other funds than Federal appropriated funds have been <br />paid or w~ be paid to any person for inftwndrlg or attempting to <br />influence an officer or ernpioyee of any agency, a Member of <br />Congress, an officer or an employee of Congress, or smpfoyee <br />of a member of Congress nt connecCon with this Federal grantor <br />cooperative agreamerrt, the undersigned shall corriptefe and submit <br />Standard Form LLL,'Discbsure of Lobbying Activities,- in <br />accordance w@h ifs instructions; <br />(b) Have not wlttdn athrew-year period preceding his appficailan been <br />convicted of ar had a clvil[an judgment rendered against them for <br />commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connecttan with <br />obtaining, attempting m obtain, or perform a pubic {Federal, State, <br />Or krcal) transaction or centred under a pubUc trar-saCYron; violation <br />of Federal or Stara antiwst statutes or commission of embeaiement, <br />theft, forgery, bribery, falsification ar desUvrdion Of recalls, <br />makhLg false statements, or receiving stolen property; <br />(e) Are not presentry indicted far or otherwise crirnineUy or eivUly <br />charged by a governments[ antlty (FederaE, State, ar loran with <br />commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (t)(b) <br />of #ris oert{fication; and <br />(d) Have rrotwithin a three-year period preceding this appticatton <br />had one or more public t rensacUOng (Federal, State, or kxal) <br />terminated for pose or defaulh and <br />S Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements <br />in this certiflcatlon, he or shell ahaU attached an explanatlorr b this <br />appUcotlort. <br />S. DRUQ-FREE WORKPLACE <br />(GRANTE>r3 OT1iER THAN INDNIDUALSj <br />(c} The undersigned shall require that the language of this cerUftcation <br />be included in rho award documents for all subawarda at all liars <br />pndud'mg subgrarrts, contracts under grants and eooperaUvs <br />agreem^nts and aubcontrad(s) and that aN subradpients shall <br />verify and disctase accordingly <br />Standard Form U.l..'Disclosura of Lobbying Adivifies" attached <br />(This form must be attached to ceron If norrappropriafed funds <br />are to be used to irrllrrarrp adivifles.) <br />Z, DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER <br />R~SPONSlBIL lTY MATERS <br />(DIRECT RECIPIENT) <br />As required by Executive Order 12548 Debarment and Suspensbn, <br />and implemented et 44 CFR Part 67, far prospedlve partidpants in <br />primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 CfiR Part 17. <br />Section 17..810,A Ttre appicant certifies that It and its prinapals: <br />(a) Ara not presently debarred. suspended, Proposed for debarment <br />deflated ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal Aertetks by a State <br />or Federal oouR, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactWns by <br />env Faders! depamnent or astencv; <br />As required by the Dtug•Frea WortgHace Act of 1988. and <br />implemented at 44 CFR Part 17, Sybpart F, for grarrtees, as defined <br />at 44 CFR Part 17, 3ediai8 17..615 and 17 ,620: <br />A The applianf cartlfiea that it will continue to privtde adrug- <br />frea worig7tace hy: <br />(a} Publistang a statemerrt rurtiFying employees that the unlawful <br />manufacture, da;tnbution, dispensing, possession, or use of a <br />controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace end <br />apeeifying the actions tlit w11 betaken against employees for <br />violaton of such protdbitior; <br />(b) Estabfistung en at-going drug free awareness program to <br />Inform empoyees atxwt <br />(i) The dangers of dray abuse in the woltcplace; <br />(2) The grantee's potley of malnfalning a drug•free workplace; <br />(S) Any avaUabfe drug ecunseUng, rohabilitadon, and <br />employee substance programs; and <br />(4) the penaUies that may be imposed upon employees for <br />drug abuse Wolaffons occurting in ttre workplace; <br />FNMA <br />