Orange County NC Website
FEDERAL EMERQr:NCY stANAtiEM~NTAGENCY O.,M.B. No. 3067-0206 <br />SUMMARY SHEET FOR ASSURANCES AND CER1'IFICATION3 Farpins February 28, 2004 <br />FOR CA FOR {Name ofAppflcantj I <br />FY 20WS Orange County Department of Emergency Management <br />summary sheet indndes Assuxnnces and Certifical3ons that must be head, signed, and submitted as a part of the <br />ication for Federal Assistance. <br />a applicant must check each item that they axe certit~iisg to: <br />Part I a TElYIA Foxm 20.16A, Assonances Nonconstrudion Programs <br />part II ~ I'E1KA Form 20•lbl3, Assru ances-Construction Programs <br />Part III 1:=i FEMA Form 24360, Certlffcationa Regarding I.abbyiag; <br />Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility <br />Matters; and Drug~Ftee Workplace Regnirements <br />Part 1V D SF LLL, Disclosure of Labbyixxg Activities (If applicable) <br />the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant wilt comply with the identi5ed <br />ached assurances and certft"ications. <br />John M Link, Jr.. County Manager <br />_~ Typed Name of Authorized Representative --~ _~~~~_.....~,~_.,•_-.~ Tftle ~~~_•~•-_ <br />._._ ~~ ~ S tare of Authorized resentative ~ __.. ..~ ~O/ Date Signed ~~ <br />p <br />OTE: By signing the cer tiiicaflou regarding debarment, saspeasion, and other i~espoxrsibillty matters for primary covered <br />ansacrion, the applicant agrees that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not lmowiagiy Dater <br />its any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, ar voluntarily ezduded <br />~om participatieu in this covered transaction, unless authorized by FEMA entering into this transaction <br />The applicant fur ther agrees by submitting this appfleafion that it wrll include the douse titled "Certification <br />;aiding Debarment, Saspeasioa, Ineligibility and Vahxntary Egchxalon-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," provided by <br />Fi:MA Regional Office entering into this covered transaction, without modiQcatlon, in ati lower tier eoveired transactions <br />l in all solicitations for lower tier covei+ed tr ansaettons. (Refet to 44 CFR Part 17.) <br />Paperwork Burden Disclosure Notioe <br />blic reporting burden far this form is estimated to average 1.T hour's per response. Burden means the time, effort and <br />racial resources expended by parsons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose, or to provide itrformation to us. You may <br />d comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of the form, including suggestions for reducing the burden <br />tntormation Coihsctions Management, Federal 8mergency Management AgQncy, S00 C Street, StIV, Washington,l3C 30472, <br />~erwark Reduction Project {3067-0206). You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid <br />B control number appear in the upper right corner of this form. isiease do not send your compioted form to the above <br />FEMA Form 20.18, FEB 0'i <br />