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Project, with the following laws and regulations providing protections for construction <br />employees: <br />1) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, 40 U.S.C. <br />§§ 3701 et seq., specifically, the wage and hour requirements of Section 102 of that <br />Act at 40 U.S.C. § 3702, and implementing U.S. DOL regulations, "Labor Standards <br />Provisions Applicable to Contracts. Governing Federally Financed and Assisted <br />Construction (also Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Non-construction <br />Contracts Subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act), 29 C.F.R. <br />Part 5; and the safety requirements of Section 107 of that Act at 40 U.S.C. § 3704, and <br />implementing U.S. DOL regulations, "Safety and Health Regulations for Construction," <br />29 C.F.R. Part 1926; and <br />2) Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act, as amended, 18 U.S.C. § 874, and <br />implementing. U.S. DOL regulations, "Contractors and Sub-contractors on Public Building <br />or Public Work Financed in Whole or in part by Loans or Grants from the United States," <br />29 C.F.R. Part 3. <br />b. Activities Not Involving Construction. The Contractor agrees to comply, and <br />assures the compliance of each third party contractor and each sub-recipient at any tier <br />of the Project, with the employee protection requirements for non-construction <br />employees of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, 40 <br />U.S.C. §§ 3701 et seq., in particular the wage and hour requirements of Section 102 of <br />that Act at 40 U.S.C. § 3702, and with U.S. DOL regulations, "Labor Standards <br />Provisions Applicable to Contracts Governing Federally Financed and Assisted <br />Construction (also Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Non-construction Contracts <br />Subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act)," 29 C.F.R. Part 5. <br />c. Activities Involving Commerce. The Contractor agrees that the provisions of <br />the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 201 et seq., apply to employees performing <br />Project work involving commerce. <br />d. Public Transportation Employee Protective Arrangements for Projects in <br />Non-urbanized Areas Authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5311. The Contractor agrees to comply <br />with the terms and conditions of the Special Warranty for the Non-urbanized Area <br />Program agreed to by the U.S. Secretaries of Transportation and Labor, dated May 31, <br />1979, U.S. DOL implementing procedures, and any revisions thereto. <br />Section 22. Geographic Information and Related Spatial Data. In accordance with <br />U.S. OMB Circular A-16, "Coordination of Geographic Information and Related Spatial Data <br />Activities," August 19,2002, the Contractor agrees to implement its Project so that any activities <br />involving spatial data and geographic information systems activities financed directly or <br />indirectly, in whole or in part, by Federal assistance, consistent with the National Spatial Data <br />infrastructure promulgated by the Federal Geographic Data Committee, except to the extent <br />that FTA determines otherwise in writing. <br />Section 23. Patent Rights. If any invention, improvement, or discovery of the <br />Contractor or any third party contractor or any sub-recipient at any tier of the Project is <br />conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under the Project, and that <br />invention, improvement, or discovery is patentable. under the laws of the United States of <br />America or any foreign country,. the Contractor agrees to notify-the Department immediately <br />and provide a detailed report in a format satisfactory to the Department. The Contractor agrees <br />that its rights and responsibilities, and those of each third party contractor at any tier of the <br />Project and each sub-recipient at any tier of the Project, pertaining to that invention, <br />improvement, or discovery will be determined in accordance with 37 C.F.R. Part 401 and any <br />.applicable Federal and State laws, regulations, including any waiver thereof. .FTA considers <br />Updated 07/26/10 28 <br />