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191 <br />process to determine the impact fee. Commissioner Gordon suggested that one <br />method to begin addressing the affordable housing issue might be a <br />scale based on the number of bedrooms or other suitable criterion and <br />requested this method be research by the staff. Commissioner Willhoit E -A <br />he feels using a flat fee is more equitable to apply than using a fee based <br />on dwelling types. Chair Carey feels that having a different fee for <br />different types of housing is perceived as unfair and that explaining a <br />sliding fee would be difficult. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels the fee should be increased and <br />suggested holding a public hearing for citizens to respond to this proposal. <br />Commissioner Willhoit agrees that the fee should be increased by a flat <br />amount. He does not want the staff to do a lot of work to develop <br />publications when it will not change the basic philosophy. <br />The Board took straw votes on which proposals should be taken to a <br />public hearing on impact fees, with the following results: <br />Keeping the fee at $750.00 - Commissioner Crowther <br />Increasing the fee to $1,500 - Commissioner Gordon <br />Increasing the fee up to $1,000 - Commissioners Carey, Gordon <br />and Willhoit <br />Using a sliding scale to address the affordable issue - <br />Commissioner Gordon <br />During the work session the Board also discussed proposed revisions to <br />the Impact Fee ordinance and decided which changes to be taken to pubi,? <br />hearing. The major revisions include changing the time period for the schc <br />section of the CIP from 5 to 10 years and establishing a five year gru <br />period for mobile home parks from the effective date of the Ordinance. In the <br />case of the later provision, a replacement unit could be placed on a space if <br />a unit had been located on it anytime during the five years preceding the <br />Ordinance effective date. <br />It was decided that a public hearing would be held at the regular Board <br />meeting scheduled for March 21 to consider increasing the impact fee from $750 <br />up to $1,000. The ordinance amendments will also go to the hearing scheduled <br />for March 21. Some of the changes are policy issues that will be addressed by <br />the County Commissioners at one of their regular meetings. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further discussion, Chair Carey adjourned the meeting. The next <br />regular meeting of the County Commissioners will be held at 7:30 p.m. on <br />January 17, 1995 at the OWASA community meeting room in Carrboro, North <br />Carolina. <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk