RES-2010-085 Resolution Amending Resolution Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Operation of a Sewer Collection Treatment System to Serve the Efland Area of OC
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2010-085 Resolution Amending Resolution Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Operation of a Sewer Collection Treatment System to Serve the Efland Area of OC
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Last modified
2/22/2019 2:45:55 PM
Creation date
1/5/2011 9:49:51 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 11-04-2010 - 7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 11-04-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 11-04-2010
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and other payment information and to bring any discrepancies in the user's records <br />and the County's records to the attention of the billing and collecting agent of the <br />CounTy immediately so that corrections, if any, can be made. The specific <br />procedures to'be followed in the event a user believes there has been a billing error <br />are described in Article XIII. <br />B. Meters will be read and bills rendered in accordance with the policies established by <br />the County and any agency with which the County may contract. The County <br />reserves the right to vary the dates or length of time covered by any statement, <br />temporarily or permanently, if necessary for the efficient operation of the System. <br />C. Statements for sewer service will be computed on the basis of the published rate <br />schedule then in effect. <br />D. Charges for sewer service commence when connection to the System is complete as <br />prescribed and described in the Sewer Easement and Agreement. <br />E. Each sewer connection will be separately metered and will be maintained as a <br />separate account. <br />F. Monthly statements will be mailed on or about the date the user's water meter is <br />read, if there is a meter, or the same date each month as determined by the County's <br />billing and collecting agent where there is no water meter. Payment is due when <br />the statement for sewer service is received and delinquent 20 days after the water <br />meter reading date. If payment is not made within 20 days after the water meter <br />reading date, sewer and water service will be discontinued. Statements will be sent <br />to the address of the user as it appears on the application for service made by the <br />user. It is the user's responsibility to immediately notify Orange County and its <br />billing and collection agent of any change in this address. The user's failure to <br />receive any statement or notice when it is addressed to the user at the address <br />contained in the application or a new address provided to the County and its billing <br />and collection agent shall not be a basis for forgiving discontinuation of service. <br />G. Filling Swimming Pools or Fountains: User's filling swimming pools or fountains <br />with metered water from their plumbing system may request to have the volume of <br />water used to fill their pool or fountain excluded from their sewer bill. The request <br />needs to be made and approved before the pool or fountain is filled, otherwise it <br />will not be granted. If the request is approved, the volume of water used to fill the <br />pool or fountain must be measured by taking before and after readings on the user's <br />water meter OR by measuring the size of the pool or fountain and the depth of <br />water added. The request must be made to the County's billing and collection agent <br />and approved by the County. <br />H. Leak Adjustment Policy: The County has a Leak Adjustment Policy. Please see <br />the entire policy in Attachment B of this resolution. <br />XII. DISCONTINUATION OF SERVICE <br />A. When service is discontinued, the deposit made by the user will be applied towazd <br />settlement of any unpaid account. Any balance will be refunded to the user. If the <br />deposit is not sufficient to cover the outstanding account balance, the County and its <br />billing and collection agent may proceed to collect the balance in the manner <br />provided in the Sewer Easement and Agreement or in any other manner provided by <br />law for the collection of a debt. <br />B. The County, in addition to prosecution as provided by law, may discontinue and <br />permanently refuse service to any user or property owner who tampers with a meter <br />or sewer connection which sewer connection has been approved by the County. <br />7 <br />
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