Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />1. This agreement shall be effective as of the date <br />first above .written and shall continue in full force and effect <br />until June 30, 1989. It may be renewed thereafter, upon such <br />terms and conditions as the County and the Contractor agree, for <br />one year periods commencing. on July 1 of a year and ending on <br />June 30 of the next year. <br />2. The Contractor shall perform billing and collect- <br />ing services for the County for customers that are served by the <br />System. These customers shall include those that are served by <br />the Contractor's water system as well as .those that are not. <br />3. The rates to be charged for use of the System <br />shall be provided to the Contractor by the County. <br />4. The Cantractor shall pay to the County by the 15th <br />day of the month following each month for which collections are <br />made for the County the gross amount of such collections. The <br />Contractor shall also provide an aged list of delinquent accounts <br />to the County at the time the monthly collections are forwarded <br />- to the County. <br />5. The County shall pay to the Contractor 51.25 far <br />each account billed by the Contractor each month for County <br />sanitary sewer services. The Contractor shall provide an invoice <br />to the County which indicates the number of accounts billed for <br />the manth. Payment shall be made by the County by the last day <br />of the month follo wing each month for which an account is billed. <br />6. The Contractor shall collect ~a deposit for each <br />account established far the System. Accounts shall be estab- <br />lished by the Contractor upon receipt of a copy of an approved <br />