Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Nelson <br /> to approve the amendments to the Efland Sewer Resolution and to request for staff to send a <br /> letter to the Habitat offices about the change in the deposit rates. <br /> Kevin Lindley said that a mailing will be sent out to all customers. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Follow-up on the November 2, 2010 Special Advisory Referendum <br /> Concerning the Levy of a One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County Sales and Use Tax and <br /> Discussion of Potential Next Steps Pending Outcome of the Referendum <br /> The Board considered follow-up actions on the November 2, 2010 Special Advisory <br /> Referendum Concerning the Levy of a One-Quarter Cent County Sales and Use Tax, and if <br /> approved by voters, discuss the next steps. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board had authorized the staff to spend up to $40,000 and <br /> they only spent around $36,000 for outreach about this referendum. The Chamber of <br /> Commerce ran a separate campaign from the County. The margin of difference was about <br /> 1,200 votes and there are still 400-500 provisional votes to be counted. He said that the <br /> County did a good job of informing the public, but these are difficult economic times. He said <br /> that the money was to go to future opportunities, and these things will have to be deferred or <br /> delayed. The reason that this was put on the ballot was to give the public a choice of this or <br /> increasing property taxes. <br /> Frank Clifton complimented Gwen Harvey on her work and The Jennings Firm for <br /> professional work on this campaign. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz expressed his regrets that this did not pass but he wants the <br /> County to reaffirm the commitment to economic development. He said that it is critically <br /> important to support the economic development efforts. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he was shocked when he was handing out literature at <br /> the polls that a lot of people had never heard of the referendum. He agreed with <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz about keeping a focus on Economic Development. He recommended <br /> adding this to the retreat or work session and looking at alternative structures with how they do <br /> things. He said that there is likelihood that at the next General Assembly, they may make <br /> significant cuts, and also take away the authority to have a '/4-cent sales tax or the transfer tax <br /> on a ballot in the future. He would like to find out the schedule for putting something on <br /> another ballot. He would also like to discuss whether it is even worth putting on the ballot <br /> again. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to have a work session or dedicate part of the retreat to discuss and further economic <br /> development issues. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks the County did a good job of getting the <br /> information out to the public and believes that the vote was related to the economic times. <br /> She said that next year there is a possibility for a %-cent sales tax for transit. <br />