Orange County NC Website
Year -To -Date Budget Summary <br />Fiscal Year 2090 -11 <br />General Fund Budget Summary <br />Original General Fund Budget <br />$175,313,920 <br />Additional Revenue Received Through Budget <br />Amendment #5 (December 14, 2010) <br />Grant Funds <br />$56,622 <br />Non Grant Funds <br />$332,874 <br />General Fund Fund Balance for <br />0.000 <br />Anticipated Appropriations (i.e. <br />Encumbrances) <br />$1,808,369 <br />General Fund Fund Balance Appropriated <br />to Cover Unanticipated Expenditures <br />$66,414 <br />Total Amended General Fund Budget <br />$177,578,199 <br />Dollar Change in 2010 -11 Approved <br />General Fund Budget <br />$2,264,279 <br />% Change in 2010 -11 Approved General <br />Fund Budget <br />1.29%1 <br />Authorized Full Time Eauivalent Positions <br />Original Approved General Fund Full Time <br />Equivalent Positions <br />773.600 <br />Original Approved Other Funds Full Time <br />Equivalent Positions <br />82.600 <br />Additional Positions Approved Mid -Year <br />0.000 <br />Total Approved Full- Time - Equivalent <br />Positions for Fiscal Year 2010 -11 <br />856.200 <br />paul: <br />Encumbrance Carry Forwards of <br />$1,808,369 (as authorized by <br />the Annual Budget Ordinance) <br />paul: <br />$26,414 for budget canyforwards <br />from FY 2009 -10; $40,000 for a <br />public education campaign related to <br />Article 46 sales tax (BOA #1) <br />