Orange County NC Website
RF-5- ao10-oq 5- 2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ELECTRONIC LISTING AND EXTENDING THE <br /> TIME FOR FILING ELECTRONIC LISTINGS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR <br /> PROPERTY TAX PURPOSES <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 105-304 authorizes Counties to permit <br /> electronic listing of business personal property,and <br /> WHEREAS,North Carolina General Statute 105-311(b)authorizes electronic signature of <br /> personal property listings which are submitted electronically, <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br /> Section 1. The Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes personal property <br /> listings to be submitted and signed electronically. <br /> Sec. 2. The following procedures will apply to electronic tax filings. Electronic listings must be <br /> submitted online. Facsimiles will not be accepted as electronic listings. In order to file <br /> electronically, the taxpayer must use an electronic listing application approved by the County. <br /> To request an extension to electronically file personal property listings after January 31, the <br /> taxpayer must file an online request for extension of time during the month of January and must <br /> provide an Account ID provided by the County and associated with the location for which the <br /> extension is requested. Once an extension of time has been granted by the assessor the electronic <br /> filing must be received by the Orange County Assessor no later than April 15 in order to avoid <br /> late list penalties. <br /> Sec. 3. This resolution shall be recorded in the minutes of the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners and notice of the procedure and extension of time for electronic filing of <br /> business personal property listings shall be published as required by G.S. § 105-296(c). <br /> Sec. 4. This resolution is effective for all tax years after its adoption and at such time as the <br /> Assessor has the ability to implement a system for electronic listing. <br />