Orange County NC Website
Recommendations Continued <br />1. Consider the report and November 29, 2010 amendment thereto <br />2. Approve the 100% solution: Option 1 or Option 3 or <br />approve the 83% + 17% solution: Option 2 <br />• as noted on Option Drawing 1, 2, and 3 (2012) (respectively matched to the <br />options) and Table 1 (see corresponding color for specific area) <br />• to confirm and adjust the boundary line <br />3. Proceed with implementation, subsequent to the Boards of County <br />Commissioners December review, to include but not limited to a joint 2011 <br />Local Bill. <br />NOTE: References to drawings, table and appendix refer to the Orange-Alamance Boundary <br />Line Report and the attachments included in this abstract <br />Percentages shown in the abstract and various tables are approximations due to different total <br />lengths of the boundary, rounding, and different recommendations being included in different <br />categories. <br />