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Below is an abridged summary of the meeting as Craig Benedict understood and reports. He <br />had the opportunity to clarify, upon request of their Board of County Commissioners, certain <br />questions. He acknowledges that at times it was difficult to understand the ebb and flow of <br />discussion but offers the following impressions. (the video of this meeting is available at <br /> <br />videos/december-6-2010.html ) <br />1. What Orange County staff thought were consensus adjustments based on the November <br />29, 2010 meeting on the Village of the Oaks/Scarlett Oak Lane and the Morrow Mill Road <br />area (both sections) were reported by Alamance County staff as Orange County's <br />additional requests. <br />2. Alamance County staff commented that Orange County's `9%' request did not meet <br />administrative criteria, although later noted that half of the area met administrative <br />`petition' criteria and that the other half loosely met 2010 Local Bill 1362 criteria Section 7 <br />and 8 related to `unduly burdensome'. <br />3. It was anecdotally reported that Alamance County staff and elected officials received <br />additional requests after the November 29, 2010 meeting for adjustments and they were <br />concerned of when do you stop. <br />4. Craig Honeycutt, Alamance County Manager, noted that the Orange County requests `do <br />make sense' and `were reasonable' and there is interest to move forward with 100%. <br />5. A motion was made by Tom Manning, new Alamance County Board of County <br />Commissioner, to approve the 91 % (i.e. 77% NCGS line and 14% property owner <br />petitions) and the 9% Orange County request if Orange County `indemnifies' <br />adjustments. (Note: This did not seem to include any mention of the work session <br />adjustments) Seconded by William Lashley and approved 4-1 dissenting Tim Sutton. <br />Agenda Background before update: <br />The Executive Summary of the 2010 Orange-Alamance County Boundary Line Report <br />(Attachment 1) of the abstract explain the amendments suggested at the November 29 <br />Joint Work Session. Planning Staff will explain the amendments. <br />A Resolution Agreeing To Deliver a Plat of the Orange -Alamance County Boundary for <br />Incorporation into a 2011 Local Bill that Resolves the Disputed Boundary and Creates <br />Conclusive Boundary explains the action of tonight's meeting. (Update 12/6/10 - to be <br />amended accordingly) <br />The Alamance County Board of Commissioners will hear this subject on December 6, <br />2010. Staff will report on the outcome of their meeting. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Review of this report does not entail a financial impact beyond the staff <br />time of the manager, attorney, and planning departments with additional review from <br />emergency services, tax administration, and IT/GIS. After Orange Alamance County Board of <br />County Commissioners December meeting, staff will begin to implement the recommendation of <br />Board action and determine with more detail, the associated readjustment to the tax valuation <br />and location of various properties. Survey costs are primarily born by the petitioners and <br />property owners. Orange County is recommending paying for a few existing subdivision <br />boundaries to make emergency services provision clearer. <br />