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11 [/ t <br />~C~QNV~~ V Ci~~ /~ G 7 <br />i ,~/'~~ <br />Resolution Regarding OWASA's Draft Forestry Plan for ~ <br />the Cane Creek Protected and Critical Watersheds <br />Prepared for the Orange County Soard of County Commissioners ~ ~I <br />Whereas, OWASA's primary mission is to provide water and sewer services to <br />Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and portions of southeastern Orange County; <br />Whereas, Cane Creek Reservoir is the Chapel Hiil-Carrbaro community's primary <br />water source and represents a $20 million investment by OWASA and other <br />entities including the taxpayer-funded Clean Water Management Trust Fund; <br />Whereas, in April 2007, the OWASA Board of Directors adopted a sustainability <br />policy which included permanent protection of the watershed and wildlife; <br />minimizing land disturbing activities and mitigating their effects; and restoring <br />and enhancing the natural quality of land under OWASA's control that has been <br />degraded by OWASA's operations or others. <br />Whereas,the consultant who drafted the "forestry management" plan for <br />OWASA specializes in commercial forestry operations and did not sufficiently <br />consult with independent environmental experts, ecologists, and water quality <br />experts, and therefore the .plan does not meet OWASA's primary sustainability <br />goals for water quality. <br />Therefore, be it resolved that the Orange County Board of County <br />Commissioner-s will: <br />1. Request that the OWASA Soard of Directors reject the draft forestry plan <br />and replace it with a program targeted to improve water quality. <br />2. Ask OWASA to form an ad hoc citizen board consisting of water quality <br />specialists, environment specialists {wildlife, aquatics, plants, cultural <br />heritage}, legal and business professionals, reservair neighbors, and <br />OWASA customers. <br />3. Send this signed resolution to OWASA before OWASA's January Board <br />meetin <br />Signed, on behalf of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />Name Date <br />