Orange County NC Website
. . _ - • �� � . . � . � . - .� : : , �. . � . � -_ . 3 1.2 <br /> � � . (c) � The. first� year of the term of each .iaitial member of the <br /> . � . Advi:sory Board shall be deemed to expire��oa Juae 30; 2D00. Thereafter, : . � <br /> � - each year. of the' term af an Advi�sory Boasd member t�rill rua from July 1 . � � <br /> � thraugh . the subsequeat Juae 3�0, 'but' eaah member shal.�. . .continue ta� - . <br /> . � serve uatil membex's successor .has beea duly appoza:ted and : <br /> • � gualified �for effice. . .. . � . _ . . , � . . .. . <br /> � . (d)'. Each Party �say select and appoi.a.t Advisory Boaxd iaembers .i.a • <br /> . � its discretioa, except fi�t. no emp7.oyee �of a :Party�may be, appainted as . <br /> an Advisery Board member. This Agreemeat ia no waY rec�i.res that any <br /> iaembes be aa - elected .official of� the �appointing Party. Aay. �elected � <br /> � � official of a Rarty .appoiated to the .Advisary Board v�rill be deemed to •. <br /> be serving �oa the Advisory� Board as a part of ��he iadividual's, duties � <br /> of office, aad. will aot be � considered to be serviag ia �a . separa.te : <br /> office. � Aay elected official ,of. a .Party appointed to the� Advisary ' . <br /> ' Board will cease to be� a member of the . Advisory Baard. upon such <br /> � . individual�s cessation af service as. an� elected official of �such Party <br /> � � . (whether or aot such member's stzccesSOr will+�be �i�en appoiated and . . <br /> � qualified for office) , but such Farty may reappoia.t� such indivi.dual to <br /> � � the 'Advisory Bz�ard. Each membex of the Advisory Baard . (iacludiag <br /> . . � ' elected efficials) serves� at the pleasure of the appointing Party, and . <br /> tnay be reiaoved• at any' tiA►e by the appoin.tiag Party, v�rith or witb.out . . <br /> � � cause_ . . . � . . � - � . _ . . . : � <br /> �r^ . � {e) . The Goveraing Baard that appoi.nted the persaa who vacated the . <br /> i.. <br /> � •Advisory •Board seat will. fiZl aay. oa the Advisory� .Board: .In � . � <br /> � the case of a vacancy created dvring the term of a. member, the' <br /> appoiatment to f ill the vacaacy �rilZ be made f or the� x'�*+ta�*+i*�q' poxt��n . <br /> .. �• .� of t3ze texm in order to preserve the staggered-term gattern.. � . , <br /> � Pr�cedures. The �Advisory Board :.may � adopt. its owa rules of " : .` . <br /> precedure, not inconsisteat with the provisions � of this .Agreement and � <br /> not inconsistent �with the, policies. and. procedvres governzag the� . . <br /> � various boards� and cotmu.issioas of the Govpr+�+�ng Board, of tb:e Coux�ty �as �� <br /> � thcse policies and procedures exist now .and as �they inay be amended . <br /> . from .time to time by resolution of the Governing �Board of the Covnty. � � <br /> . • . � The. Advisflry Board's proposed rales aad procedures s�all be preseated. . <br /> � . . .� • to the Governiag Board of the� County for . review and shall. aot be <br /> - effective uatil :approved by ths GOVP�^*+�ng Soazd of the Cotmty, but the . <br /> . : . Advisory Baard'.s procednras shall in.clude .�the following provi.sioas: . . <br /> • � � . . - � - �. , � . � . ; . . � . . <br /> � � (a) Each membez af the Advisory Baard will have orie vote, exc�pt <br /> that _ in the event of the absence of a �member, the. other� membex� <br /> . appointed by the� same Farty as the� abseat .member will be entitZed to � <br /> cast two votes. Any IIniversity � mamber appointed pursuaat .to Part . 7 <br /> � � shall .have oaly one vote, "and that .vate shall .aat be. cast in the : . � <br /> � � membex's absence. . . . .. �. � <br /> . . . . : _ � . � � � : : � : : .. : �. � . :, . . . � � � . � � . _ 2•4 � . � <br />