Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Action Item: Point taken and understood. The staff wilt communicate this concern to the <br />Orange County Transit Partnership (OCTP) (comprised of all local governments and UNC <br />and Triangle Transit) and TRTP Stakeholders. <br />10. Bus Rapid Transit Component <br />Currently two corridors are being considered as future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors: <br />Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) and NC 54. The corridor selection decision has not been <br />made. MLK was the original selection; however, the NC 54 study shows that, even with <br />significant corridor improvements, it will not be able to handle the anticipated traffic volume. <br />BRT might be a good solution for the NC 54 corridor. <br />Action Item: Keep the Board involved in the BRT planning process. <br />11. Duke University <br />Discussion: Duke University is not included in the Orange County Transit Partnership. Duke <br />is one of the largest employers of Orange County residents, and it should be included in <br />discussions. <br />Action Item: Involve Duke in the planning process. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact to the County associated with <br />receiving the update. Working on action items can be accomplished with existing staff. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the follow up information; <br />2. Approve action items in their entirety or in part; and <br />3. Provide additional guidance on the vehicle registration fee enactment. <br />