Orange County NC Website
2 <br />2. Alternatives Analysis <br />Discussion: Durham-Orange 4 (DO 4) UNC -Alston Avenue is an alternative that was <br />selected for further detailed analysis, which may be scaled down to be more competitive for <br />federal funds. Alternatives analysis will determine the precise length and alignment of the <br />project that will be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration for funding <br />consideration. In any event, the length should not be shortened to exclude UNC. <br />Action item: Staff will provide regular timely reports to the BOCC related to this item. <br />3. Alternative Plan Scenarios <br />Discussion: Durham County is considering multiple scenarios including one that is bus- <br />only. Orange County needs to consider abus-only alternative to match up with Durham's <br />possible proposal. Orange County needs to create an enhanced bus system and educate <br />people to use transit, and get the public engaged in transit. <br />Action item: Work on a scaled-down plan that focuses on bus service and assumes only <br />local dollars. <br />4. Half Cent Sales Tax <br />Discussion: The Board thought it would be hard to sell the current plan to the 40% of <br />Orange County residents living outside of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The proposed rail <br />component does not provide a direct connection to Raleigh, the Research Triangle Park or <br />the airport. <br />The TRTP and associated financial model relies heavily on a successful Fall 2011 half-cent <br />sales tax referendum. The Board asked what would happen to the financial model <br />independent of a '/Z cent sales tax. <br />Answer. The model does not work without the '/z cent sales tax. If the referendum fails, the <br />project will need to be altered significantly. It is highly unlikely that the rail component of the <br />plan can be achieved without addition of a '/2 cent sales tax. These funds are intended as a <br />local match when competing for federal and state dollars. <br />5. Elections Impact <br />Discussion: The BOCC pointed out the need to acknowledge the results of recent elections. <br />There may be less or no federal and state support for mass transit; the financial model <br />prepared by Triangle Transit assumes 33% federal and 25% state capital cost share for the <br />UNC -Leigh Village light rail segment. The BOCC stated that Orange County and the <br />region should not count on state and federal funds that are not likely to be received. The <br />Board indicated that the financial model needed to be reviewed carefully. The model should <br />have a scenario that assumes only local dollars and offers a parallel planning process for <br />the "worst-case scenario". <br />Action item: Develop an alternative scenario within the financial model that assumes only <br />local dollars -'/2 cent sales tax and/or $7 vehicle registration fee. <br />6. Regional Planning <br />Discussion: Regional planning for Orange County only works if what happens in Orange <br />County makes sense for all County residents. Orange County supports regional planning, <br />