Orange County NC Website
19 <br />ADDITIONAL VEHICLE REGISTRATION CHARGE AUTHORIZED <br />SECTION 4. Subchapter IX of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes is amended by <br />adding a new Article to read: <br />"Article 52. County Vehicle Registration Tax. <br />ni` 1 AG CG^I /~...... ~.. [7..1.:..1.. D.......~....ti.... T..o. ol.n..nrl .~.ith m~~ninir~oli*ioe <br />the <br />A <br />one unit <br />receives those funds as follows: <br />Pro rata (i) retained by the county based on the population of the county that <br />is not in an incorporated area, and (ii) distributed to the municipalities within <br />the countybased on the population of that municipality that is located within <br />that county. To determine the population of each county and municipality, <br />the county shall use the most recent annual estimate of population certified <br /> <br /> <br />transportation system, that county or municipality shall begin retaining or receiving funds <br />be inning the first day of July that is more than 30 days thereafter. <br />VEHICLE REGISTRATION TAX CONFORMED TO NEW REGISTRATION <br />SYSTEM DEADLINES <br />SECTION 5.(a) G.S. 105-562(a) reads as rewritten: <br />"(a) Collection. - A tax or a tax increase levied under this Article becomes effective on <br />the date set by the board of trustees in the resolution levying the tax or the tax increase. The <br />effective date must be the first day of a month and may not be earlier than the first day of the <br />sixth calendar month after the board of trustees adopts the resolution. To the extent the tax <br />applies to vehicles whose tax situs is in a county the entire area of which is within the <br />SL2009-0527 Session Law 2009-527 Page 13 <br />not retain any funds. <br />operation of a public transportation system also includes a contract with a private entity for <br />transportation s, stem. <br />~ This Article is supplemental to Article 51 of this Cha ter." <br />