Orange County NC Website
a <br />Secondly, policies that were part of the FY 2010-11 Budget process approved by the Board <br />included the continuation of various steps to ensure that budgetary objectives and limitations <br />would be met. <br />1. Staff closely reviews all operations for staffing overlaps and consolidation of processes <br />and to reduce staffing requirements. <br />2. All vacated positions (except for the Sheriff's Department and Emergency Services) <br />remain unfilled for a period of six months. The work load is reviewed for possible <br />assumption by other existing staff in supporting positions or redistributed accordingly. <br />3. Relocation and reassignment of qualified staff to other County service functions when <br />their primary function has seen reduced demand Example: reassigning building <br />inspectors to other functions while construction activity remains depressed. <br />4. Each position, before it is filled, would be evaluated for its role and function to assure <br />that if expanded responsibilities can be assumed, they would be included in the search <br />and evaluation process for new hires. <br />5. Staff is closely monitoring overtime use to evaluate where processes and schedules <br />could be modified to reduce overtime requirements. <br />County staff's efforts have produced good results. Through October 31, 2010 (1/3 of the fiscal <br />year), budget calculations indicate savings in projected personnel costs of $700,000 have been <br />generated. While these results cannot be guaranteed the same outcome for the remaining <br />eight months of this fiscal year, it is probable that substantial added savings can be expected. <br />As of October 31St, the FY 2010-11 Budget included 856 budgeted positions. There were 813 <br />active permanent employees as of that same date. Vacancies occur for a number of reasons, <br />with each vacancy considered as a separate opportunity to analyze workflow. <br />As part of the FY2010-11 Budget discussions, the Manager's recommendation to the Board <br />was to reconsider employee compensation issues 1) once results of last year's financial <br />performance (audit) were known; AND 2) after County staff had time to analyze the current <br />fiscal year. The Manager believes the County now has enough information to act and <br />recommends that the Board approve aone-time performance award of $600 for qualifying <br />active permanent employees. Staff has performed at very high levels during a very difficult <br />period and has assumed more responsibilities and met unique demands when needed. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial aspects of this proposed action are as follows: <br />1. The funding of this performance award would be paid out of existing departmental salary <br />and benefit allocations within the FY 2010-11 Budget (i.e. no additional budget <br />allocations by the Board would be required). As the Board will recall, the County <br />budgeted salaries at 100% for the current fiscal year. This action, in conjunction with the <br />six-month hiring delay and other actions noted above, has generated significant <br />personnel savings to fund the recommendation; and <br />2. Funding this proposal based upon 856 budgeted positions as of October 31, 2010 would <br />have a total maximum financial impact estimated at $585,915. However, as noted <br />earlier, the County had 813 active permanent employees as of October 31, 2010, <br />meaning that the actual cost to the County will be less as of January 3, 2011. It should <br />be noted that the $585,915 includes the performance award of $600 and the County's <br />costs related to FICA (7.65%) and North Carolina Local Government Retirement System <br />contributions (6.43%). <br />