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schools in the amount of 3/4 cent on the tax rate or $26.00 per pupil 892 <br />could also be considered. That would increase the budget by $342,000 <br />making the Manager's recommended budget $66,424,904. He further <br />proposed to reduce the Chapel Hill-Carrboro District Tax by approxi- <br />mately .35 cents or $105,770. The final Manager's recommended budget, <br />including these proposed changes, would result in a tax rate of 88.5 <br />cents. <br />Commissioner Insko asked for clarification on the requested Civil <br />Rights specialist. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that she would like to discuss the <br />compensation plan, new positions in general, stadium lights and outside <br />agencies. <br />A motion was made by commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis, that $275,000 be set aside for recreational needs in the <br />Parks & Recreation reserve fund, instead of funding stadium lights for <br />the new Stanback middle school. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey commented on the need for the Board of commissioners to <br />prove its commitment to use school facilities in cooperation with <br />citizens and noted that some money will need to be spent to make that <br />happen. <br />John Link distributed a summary sheet which listed the nine (9) <br />proposed new positions. The need for each of the positions was reviewed <br />and discussed. He stated that the money for additional temporary <br />clerical help is a line item in the budget for departments which had <br />requested additional clerical staffing. Management's intention is to <br />study these requests thoroughly, with right-sizing in mind, prior to <br />recommending permanent staff. He also mentioned that the Youth Service <br />coordination money was set aside in non-departmental funding; the Human <br />services Coordination money was located in the miscellaneous budget and <br />proposed funding for Family Youth Program Coordination has also been set <br />aside. He recommended that consideration be given to the best way to <br />provide the Family & Youth Service Coordination. A Family Youth <br />Coordinator could be hired immediately, however, it would be more useful <br />to look at the functions that need to be coordinated prior to moving <br />ahead. He indicated that he had recommended that $20,000 of the <br />additional CBA funds be added to these funds. He also recommended that <br />the CIP be adjusted by $25,000 to assist private human service delivery <br />agencies with upgrading their computer technology. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis applauded the approach of including the <br />University in the issue of youth who are becoming an increasing burden <br />to our society. <br />Commissioner Insko suggested that this is a perfect opportunity to <br />take an outcome based approach. <br />-Commissioner Willhoit asked if this issue had gone to the Human <br />services Advisory Commission (HSAC) to review? It was decided that the <br />HSAC would be asked for their comments and suggestions. <br />John Link recommended that the needs of youth be the focus for the