Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Proposed UDO Review/Approval Schedule <br />(Developed by Planning staff based on Planning Board discussion and approved motion <br />of December 1, 2010) <br />Nov 22" BOCC/PB Joint Quarterly Public Hearing <br /> Remains o en for new timetable to be set on December 14, 2010. <br /> <br />Dec 1S Planning Board (PB) meeting -process/timetable recommendation was <br /> made. <br />Dec 14 BOCC meeting to receive PB recommendation on revised UDO <br /> process/timetable, decide if the November 22 public hearing should be <br /> continued to February 28, 2011, and set new date for closure of public <br /> hearin date de endant on rocess BOCC chooses . <br />Dec 15 Manager sends out letter to municipalities with UDO info and asks what <br /> form of UDO resentation is necessa and what dates are su ested. <br /> <br />Jan (Month of) If requested by municipality, Planning Staff to present UDO to municipalities <br /> (up to 4). NOTE: UDO does not directly apply to municipalities or their <br /> ETJ. <br />Jan 5 PB meeting - PB to review Conditional Use District and Conditional Zoning <br /> Districts <br />Jan 19 Special PB meeting - PB to continue and complete review of Conditional <br /> Use District and Conditional Zonin Districts <br />Jan 27 Public Outreach Meeting* <br /> <br />Feb 2" by Deadline for any written comments from municipalities and advisory boards <br />5:00 p.m. (other than Planning Board). (NOTE: this would be the deadline for written <br /> comments from all sources, including the public, if the BOCC decides not to <br /> continue the ublic hearin to Februa 28 . <br />Feb 2" PB meeting - PB to review stream buffers and make recommendation to <br /> BOCC re ardin entire UDO ado tion. <br />Feb 15 BOCC meetin - PB recommendation re orted to BOCC. <br />Feb 28 Continuation of November 22 public hearing if BOCC decides to continue <br /> the public hearing*. Public comments would be on the November 2010 <br /> UDO draft and any further revisions recommended by the Planning Board <br /> would be presented. <br /> <br />Mar 2" PB meeting -recommendations about next steps based on possible <br /> continued public hearing; recommendations regarding Phase II of UDO <br /> rocess. <br />April 5th BOCC meeting - BOCC receives PB recommendation on UDO adoption <br /> and Phase II process/priorities, closes public hearing, and considers <br /> adoption of UDO. (Note: this date could be March 15 if the BOCC decides <br /> not to continue the public hearin to Februa 28 . <br />* -Public notification will be via a-mail distribution lists, County website, press release, <br />posted bulletin, and letter to municipalities. <br />