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2 <br />be discussed options may be viable in the future, it is not clear when economic circumstances <br />would allow the County to enter into a building program this endeavor represents. <br />To maintain the necessary level of service for health and dental services and to anticipate and <br />respond to the projected increase in needed services future health care reform may present, <br />staff has worked to develop interim plans that support needed services for at least the next <br />decade. Renovation of the current clinic area and areas vacated by Social Services at the <br />Whiffed Building is proposed. <br />In January 2010 the Board authorized the reallocation of space at the Whiffed Building for 1) <br />the Health and Dental Clinics; and 2) for administrative space to be used by the Orange County <br />Board of Education. According to the abstract, the renovation of the Health Clinic area was to <br />serve three to five years pending decisions relative to the Hillsborough Commons project. The <br />cited cost estimate was $200,000-$250,000, plus equipment. This renovation would have <br />covered three major areas: HVAC re-zoning to serve the new use; bare essential electrical <br />modifications to provide appropriate electrical service for the relocated equipment; and <br />paint/carpet needed to make the space presentable. This level of renovation did not invoke <br />additional work for building code compliance. <br />Since January 2010, two notable actions have been taken which resulted in an increased <br />scope of work, and therefore associated cost, of renovating the Whiffed space: <br />1.) Plans to consolidate Dental Services to the Whiffed Building were approved by the Board <br />in September 2010; and <br />2.) The decision to not pursue purchase of Hillsborough Commons as reiterated by the Board <br />in various discussions, November 18, 2010 being the most recent. <br />Upon approval of the consolidated dental services in September, the architect was asked to <br />formulate the plans which would adequately support the expanded services using the <br />reallocated space at Whiffed. Health and Dental staff worked with the architect to prepare a <br />plan that would serve the needs of the community for an estimated seven to ten years. The <br />presented plan reflects those efforts. <br />In September 2010 the County Manager reported the Orange County School Board's intent to <br />decline use of the Whiffed Building. The Board of Education's declination of the space <br />prompted the County to consider more seriously how to address structural issues created by <br />substandard building practices employed in the pre-1970's renovations. While the building is <br />structurally sound, a structural analysis conducted during the 2000 HVAC renovation at the site <br />revealed three areas that would benefit from reinforcement should the area be utilized for <br />purposes other than general office use: <br />1.) Conference room on the first floor adjacent to the old library space; and <br />2.) Area previously used by the Library for the children's collection; and <br />3.) Second floor office areas immediately above the old library space. <br />Although no assignment has been approved for use of the subject areas #1 and #2 above, <br />Board members will recall that representatives of the arts community have appeared before the <br />Board requesting use of the building. Further, on November 18, 2010, the Board authorized the <br />Manager to continue discussions with the Town of Hillsborough regarding a possible agreement <br />for use of the old Library space for this purpose. Should an agreement occur for this purpose, <br />the structure beneath the two areas identified in #1 and #2 above need to be considered. <br />