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the proposal satisfies the majority of the guidelines set forth in the SSF document as well as the <br />recommendations of the Soccer Symposium Task Force. A representative from Chapel Hill <br />Parks and Recreation will be present at the meeting and will describe the proposal relative to <br />the project plan- (attachment B). <br />On April 20, 2010, the Board authorized staff to move forward with the proposed project. <br />County and town staffs have worked together to develop a proposed Interlocal Agreement. <br />Sections of the draft agreement include details on the following: <br />• Term of the Agreement -five years <br />• Phasing -field in first phase with County partnership, lights and additional improvements <br />in second (unscheduled) phase without County partnership <br />• Project management -Chapel Hill <br />• Maintenance and operations -Chapel Hill <br />• Availability -Leased and unscheduled use <br />• Additional funding - no additional funding from Orange County <br />Town staff and the Town Attorney have reviewed the draft Agreement. If approved, the <br />schedule for the project proposal and grant application moving forward would be: <br />• Town Council consideration -January 10, 2011 <br />• BOCC approval of any changes (if needed) -January 20, 2011 <br />• PARTF Grant application due -January 31, 2011 <br />• PARTF Grant awards -May-June 2011 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Of the $650,000 in SSF funds appropriated to Twin Creeks in 2005, <br />approximately $623,000 remains and is available for reallocation. If the Interlocal Agreement is <br />approved, these funds would be reassigned to the new project. The Town of Chapel Hill would <br />then use this partnership and other town funds to leverage a Parks and Recreation Trust Fund <br />grant for the proposed Cedar Falls Park soccer field project. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the Interlocal <br />Agreement and authorize him to sign the Interlocal Agreement for the installation of artificial turf <br />at Cedar Falls Park. <br />