Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2010-11 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2010-11 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br /> xm: <br /> '�q1N"'�""n°"�' #1 Depertment on N3 Health <br /> y„�O�°�y��ed°y Aging receipt of DepartmeM roceipt of �qdjusiments to <br /> if2 Additonal granl funds related to <br /> o,ewza edditional Senlor SmaA Start funding fo <br /> anlicpated fees Ihe Environmental <br /> Lunch program funds three(3)Heaflh iR5 Department of <br /> collected Irom the FR Heallh Qualily <br /> (E15,000)to purchase DepartmeM programs:Social Services receipt <br /> Faet progrem Improvemant Program <br /> meala to serve the �s�0,000),as we�l es (57.389);State tunds SmaA Start Dental of a E300 grenl award <br /> edult da care within the Generol irom the North <br /> Encumbwnea Budgat as Amendad Y edditional cless feea relaled to the North Budgat as Amended <br /> Odginal Budgat Ca Forwarda Budget as Ameodad throu h BOA M4 Frogram paAicipants, Fund(-5326);and Caroline DepaAment <br /> m e and additional (f38,000)vAlhin the Caroline's Project Inlensive Home ot Insurance to through BOA#5 <br /> DepaAment on Connect:Commnities <br /> antieipated elass fees vsiting(•53,198)end promota blcycie safely <br /> Aging's Senior CHizen Supporlinp YouN <br /> (530,000),which will Health Promolion Familiea initiaUve Child Care Health tor the Sate Kids <br /> fund eourse P��m with the ($8,294);and Consultant(f2,507) Program <br /> insWdors and Gnnt Project Fund additional State Drograma within Ne <br /> purehase progrem frtxnunization funds Grant Projed Fund <br /> suppliea (52,813) <br /> Gnnt ProJeet fund <br /> Revenuea <br /> Inter ovammental S 457,828 S 153,828 S 585,228 S 697 S 584,532 <br /> Che sforServices S 24,000 S 24,000 S 24,000 S 46,000 S 70,000 <br /> Trensfer(rom General Fund S 69,689 S � 89,889 S 69,689 $ 69,689 <br /> Mfseellaneous S S 615 = - 615 <br /> Tnnsfer from Other Funds � : _ <br /> A ro riated Fund Balanee E 64,164 S 64,164 3 64,164 S 6d,764 <br /> Total Revenuea� S 547,517 S Bd,184 S 611,681 S 713,897 S - S 48,000 S - S 697 S - S 789,000 ' <br /> Ex anditures <br /> NCACC Em lo ee Wellness Grant f S S S <br /> Govamin and Mana ement S - S - S - 3 - S - S - S - S - S - S <br /> NPDES Grant S - 5 50,182 S 50,182 S 730,882 S 130,882 <br /> Communit and Environmant 3 - S 50,782 S 50,782 S 130,882 S - S - S - S - S - S �30,BBY <br /> Child Care Healih-Smert Start S 75 990 S 75 990 S 75 990 S 2 501 5 78 491 <br /> Scattered Sile Housin Grant $ s 5 <br /> Cartboro Growin Healih Kids Grant 5 S s <br /> Health Ceroliniana S S S E - <br /> Health&Wetlnesa Trust Grenl S 91 700 E 91 700 S 91 700 E 91 700 <br /> Senior Citizen Health Promotion $ 97 079 S 10 553 E 107 832 S 773 632 S 48 000 $ 759 632 <br /> Intensive Home Vsitin $ 60 301 S 60 307 S 60 916 S 3 198 $ 57 718 <br /> Human Ri hls 8 Relations HUD Granl S - S 886 E 886 $ 888 S BB6 <br /> Senior Citizen Health Promotion Multi-Yr S S S S <br /> SeniorNet Pro rem Multi-Year S E S S <br /> Enhanced Child Services Coord-SS S S S $ <br /> Diabeles Education Pro rem Multi-Year S - 3 2,543 f 2,563 E 2,543 E 2,543 <br /> 5 ecial Cro s Grant S S S S - <br /> Local Food IniUatives Grant S S S � a - <br /> FY 2009 Recove Act HPRP S S S $ <br /> HumanServices i 325,070 S 13,882 S 339,052 S. 345,667 f - S 46,000 f - S 697 f - S 380,970 <br /> Criminal Justice Pannershi Pro ram S 222 447 S 222 447 S 243 997 S 243 99� <br /> Hazard Miti atian Generator Pro'ed S S $ <br /> BuNer Zone Protedion Pro ram S E s <br /> 800 MHZ Communications Transition S S = <br /> Saeure Our Schools-OCS Grent S E S - <br /> Citizen Co s Council Grent a a s <br /> COPS 2008 Technolo Pro ram S b a s <br /> COPS 2009 Technolo Pro rem S 8 E $ <br /> Justice Assitance Act JAG Pro ram E E S 23 157 $ 23 15t <br /> Public Sa(e S 222,417 3 - S 222,147 S 287,118 S - S - S - S - S - S 267,1d8 <br /> ote xpend tures s 547,517 S 60,184 S B11,6B7 S 747,697 S - S 46,000 S - S 697 S - S 789,000 <br /> � <br />