Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2010-11 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2010-11 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as Pollowx <br /> �" #3 Health <br /> M«��^�^��m A`1 Departmant on <br /> ra...�u swan:�e o-� Department receipt of <br /> y��i y� Aginp receipt of #2 Additonal 1f4 Adjustments to <br /> ev� granl funds relaled to <br /> „�,,,,,�, addilional Senior SmaA StaM1 funding tor <br /> anticpeted teas the Environmental <br /> Lunch progrem funds three(3)Health #5 Department ot <br /> collecteA from the FH Health�ualily <br /> (515,000)to purehase Feet program Improvement Progrem Depertment progrems:Social Services receipt <br /> meals to serve the Smart SteA DeNal of a E300 grenl award <br /> (310,000),ea well as ($7,369);Slate funds <br /> adult da care within lhe General from the North <br /> Encumbnnca Budget aa Amended Y additional class fees relaled to ihe North Budget as Amanded <br /> Oripinal Budpet Budpet as Amended program participanls, Fund(-E326);and Carolina Depertment �hrou h BOA M5 <br /> Carry Forwerds throuph BOA A4 (538,000)within Me Carolina's Projed 9 <br /> and addiUonal Intensive Home of Insurance to <br /> Department on Connect:Commnfties <br /> antielpated class fees Visiting(-E3,198)and promote bicycle safety . <br /> Aging's Senior Cttizen SuppoNnp Youth <br /> (530,000),which will Health Promotion Families initialive Child Care Health /or the Sefe IGds <br /> lund wurse pro ram with ihe Conaultanl(52.507) Program <br /> inslructors and g (E8,294);and �grams within the <br /> purchase progrem Granl Project Fund addilional Stale Grenl Projed Fund <br /> supplies immunization Wnds <br /> (52,613) <br /> Genere/Fund <br /> Revenue <br /> Pro erty Taxes S 132,047,738 S S 132,047,738 S 132,047,738 { � S S - S S i 132,047,738 <br /> Sales Taxes S 14,463,000 S S 14,483,000 S 14,489,000 S S f S S S 14,46�,000 . <br /> License and Pertnits S 313,000 = S � 373,000 S 313,000 S S S S S - S J13,000 i <br /> Inter ovemmental S �6,250,267 S S 76,250,267 S 16,521,695 S S S 78,776 S 726 S 300 S 16,542,945 ��, <br /> Char ea for 3ervice 5 9,650,631 f S 9,850,631 S 9,657,831 S IS,000 S S S S S 9,702,831 <br /> Investment Eamin s S 140,000 S S 140,000 S 140,000 S S S S S - S 140,000 <br /> Miscellaneous S 726,384 S S 726,386 S 771,002 S S S S S S 771,002 <br /> TransfanfromOtharFunds S 1,321,227 S S 1,927,227 S 1,321,227 S S S 3 = s ���Z���Z� <br /> Fund Balance S 401,67� S 1,808,369 S 2,210,042 S 2,276,456 S 2,276,456 <br /> ota Genara undRevenues S 775,J13,9Y0 f 1,808,�69 S 177,142,288 f 177,514,949 = 15,000 S S 78,276 S 326 S J00 S 177,578,799 <br /> Ez enditures <br /> Govemin 8 Mana emant S 13,207,440 S 216,241 S 13,42J,687 S 17,477.449 S S - S S S 3 11�<77�448 <br /> Genaral Servicea S 17,478,335 5 65,366 S 17,541,701 S 17,5l1,701 S S S S S S 17,541,701 <br /> Commun nv ronmant ,892,489 99,048 ,9, ,0 , - - - - - 6,016,917 <br /> Human Sarvieas S 37,405,758 S 185,203 S 32,590,987 S 3Y,817,529 S 45,000 S S 18,276 f 326 S 300 S 32,876,779 <br /> Public Safe S 18,198,110 S 1,274,781 S 79,412,307 S 19,194,131 S S - f t S S 19,494,137 <br /> Culture 8 Retreation S 7,896,580 S Y8,720 = 1,824,900 S 1,81{,000 S t S S S S 1,934,000 <br /> Edueation S 8Y,095,195 S S 87,095,795 S 82.085,195 S S S S S S 82,095,195 <br /> Transfen Out S. 4,142,03� S S 4,742,013 S 4,142,0�9 S S S i S - S 4,142,033 <br /> ote GenerelFund pprop atlon S 175,31J,940 S 1,808,369 S 177,122,289 S 777,514,949 S 45,000 S S 18,276 S 346 S 300 S 777,578,199 <br /> s s s s s s s s s s <br /> cn <br />