Orange County NC Website
b. Resolution To End the Expenditure of the Public's Tax Dollars by the U.S. <br /> Congress for Excessive and Unaffordable Warfare Funding <br /> The Board considered adopting a Resolution to End the Expenditure of the Public's Tax <br /> Dollars by the U.S. Congress for Excessive and Unaffordable Warfare Funding. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this resolution was presented to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners by Mark Marcoplos, an Orange County resident. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Lisa Farmer said that she was here as a member of the Justice and Peace Commission <br /> from the Church of Reconciliation in Chapel Hill. She read a letter. She said that this group <br /> supports Mark Marcoplos' resolution. <br /> "We, the members of the Justice and Peace Committee of the Church of <br /> Reconciliation, in keeping with the Resolution of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian <br /> Church, support the immediate end to the conflict in Afghanistan. Therefore, we encourage <br /> the Commissioners of Orange County to pass a resolution asking North Carolina's members of <br /> the U. S. House of Representatives from the Fourth Congressional District and its Senate <br /> representatives to oppose all of the legislature brought before the U. S. Congress that provides <br /> further funding of the U. S. Warfare and the U. S. Military Occupation in Afghanistan. Orange <br /> County, North Carolina also requests that these members of Congress take strong and forceful <br /> action to influence the full Congress to terminate funding of these military operations." <br /> Mark Marcoplos thanked the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of this <br /> resolution so quickly. He said that people take the perspective that it is not the business of <br /> local governments to comment on a federal matter. He said that Orange County needs this <br /> money back here since the economy is so bad. He said that the only leaders that can really <br /> speak for Orange County are the County Commissioners. Orange County is a small part of the <br /> 41h District. <br /> Commissioner Nelson arrived at 7:11 PM. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that Mark Marcoplos spoke to whether this is a subject for <br /> the Board of County Commissioners to take a position. He said that he would like to hear from <br /> the residents of Orange County on whether the Orange County Board of County <br /> Commissioners should take a position on a matter of national concern. He said that he has not <br /> heard from any citizens other than Mr. Marcoplos and Ms. Farmer, and for that reason, he is <br /> disinclined to support this resolution. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to table this item until such time that there is greater feedback from the community as to <br /> whether or not this is an issue that the residents want to see the County Commissioners take <br /> up. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that what happened with this resolution is that this came <br /> back quickly and she needed more information on the figures. She also wants to add another <br /> "whereas" to the resolution as they did before with the Iraq resolution. She read this: <br /> "Whereas, the men and women in the armed forces deserve our gratitude for their service and <br /> bravery." She said that if tabling it could allow it come back so that this could be added and <br /> staff could do more research and the resolution could be re-worded, then that would be fine. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz stated the motion again. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she would like to hear from the public too and have <br /> this resolution reworded. <br />