Orange County NC Website
5 <br />It is acknowledged herein that Orange County, through its Department of Environment, <br />Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR), will be the assigned administrative `home' within <br />the Orange County government organization for the District, which will function as an office <br />within County government affiliated with DEAPR, for County administrative purposes. <br />However, this affiliation does not preclude or relinquish the District's autonomy and program <br />authority pursuant to this Agreement for other duties and activities related to the District, MRCS, <br />and Division. Certain County natural resource conservation, water quality and environmental <br />programs and activities each year will be conducted in conjunction with the County's DEAPR, <br />and other programs coordinated by the district. Examples of both types of programs and <br />activities -which are not mutually exclusive -are detailed in the annual work plan (Attachment <br />A) and the County/District Partnership Initiative (Attachment B) The annual District work plan <br />will align with the Guiding Principles of its Long Range Strategic Plan. Activities conducted <br />with or on behalf of Orange County under the attached Partnership Initiative will also conform to <br />County policies and programs. <br />Examples of these deliverables, which may be either federal, State or local in nature, are: <br />• Watershed Management -Write conservation plans, provide stream assessments, <br />collect watershed data, and deliver technical assistance for the design and implementation <br />of best management practices, work with partners to solve natural resource problems and <br />to improve water quality. <br />• Address urban community conservation issues with new engineering and agronomic <br />practices to improve watersheds. <br />Sustainable Working Lands -Using the District work plan and/or the County <br />Partnership, conserve and create open space, encourage voluntary action toward <br />conservation, preservation and viability of private working lands through easements and <br />Voluntary Agricultural District programs, develop options for productive sustainable and <br />manageable forest lands, and to maintain, create habitats and enhance diverse and <br />desirable wildlife species. To minimize duplication of services and pursue program <br />efficiencies, many of these efforts will be accomplished in conjunction with the Orange <br />County Lands Legacy Program, an existing County land conservation program for the <br />conservation of critical natural and cultural resource lands, as noted in Attachment B. <br />Assist Landowners with Conservation Plans that allow them to qualify them for federal <br />dollars under USDA guidelines. <br />• Provide state, federal, and other cost share as available, to address natural resource <br />and water quality issues. <br />• Resource Development -Working with the County DEAPR, which has a similar <br />mission, develop conservation partnerships fo bring resources to Orange County that <br />supplement the projects currently designed to conserve the natural resources. <br />• Environmental Stewardship -Direct youth environmental education programs, conduct <br />adult environmental education training; coordinate Orange County Big Sweep and other <br />