Orange County NC Website
Proposed Article X. Personnel Records ORD.- a 0 l o- 0 <br />�0 91 Ws_\• , <br />1.0 Personnel Records. It shall be the policy of Orange County to ensure that <br />personnel records are maintained in such a way as to comply with state and <br />federal laws. Personnel records maintained by the County are subject to inspection <br />and may be disclosed only as provided by state and federal law and in accordance <br />with this Ordinance. <br />2.0 Maintenance of Records. The County Manager, or his designee, shall maintain <br />personnel records on each employee that are necessary for the proper <br />administration of the personnel system. An employee's personnel records shall <br />contain only information that is necessary and relevant to accomplishing the <br />legitimate personnel administrative needs of the County. <br />3.0 Access to Personnel Records. All information contained within a county <br />employee's personnel record, other than information made public by law, is <br />confidential and shall not be open for inspection unless provided for under federal <br />or state law. <br />4.0 Remedies of Employees Objecting to Material in File. An employee who objects <br />to material in his or her file may place in the file a statement relating to the <br />material the employee considers to be inaccurate or misleading. The employee <br />may seek the removal of such materials in accordance with the grievance <br />procedure. <br />5.0 Rules and Regulations. To implement and give effect to G.S. §§ 153A-98,126 <br />and 121, the County Manager will develop rules and regulations consistent with <br />these and any other state and federal laws that govern these personnel records. <br />