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� <br /> and adjusted as necessary.No changes to current financing approaches or addrtional fees to <br /> finance any aspect of the program have yet been determined. <br /> Tables in Chapter 1 detail the funding,revenue and expenses for the Solid Waste Management <br /> Department in 2008-09. <br /> Recycling Program Financing <br /> Three-R fees wholly fund county recycling and waste reduction services and a portion of <br /> Environmental Support Division expenses. There are currently no major recycling program <br /> expansions planned, so 3-R Fee rates are likely to remain constant unless the shift of Sanitation <br /> Division recycling-related service costs exceed current fee levels. The major change since the <br /> previous plan submittal has been an increase in the various 3-R Fees to provide for full recycling <br /> program funding, including indirect costs, or to cover operating costs related to expanded <br /> programs. This increase resulted in elimination in FY2009-10 of any recycling program reliance <br /> on landfill fees. We believe natural growth in existing programs will now be fully covered by the <br /> 3-R Fee charged to new units added to the various programs. E.g. the cost of serving a new <br /> single family urban house with curbside recycling is $52 per year and that is the fee they will be <br /> charged for that service plus the $37 basic fee that covers their portion of drop-off recycling, <br /> education,hazardous waste, etc. <br /> The exception is that there are two smaller commercial programs where the low level of 3-R Fee <br /> collected from the units ($37/unit/year) does not reflect true program collection costs, but the <br /> tonnage diversion and longstanding nature of the programs along with the strong relationships <br /> between the County and participating businesses, have accounted for the continuation of those <br /> programs under the broader financing umbrella. This arrangement is likely to continue until a <br /> broader commercial program is established with a more comprehensive and targeted fee structure <br /> that enables significant expansion,beyond the 250 or so businesses now served. That could be <br /> part of future long-term planning considerations. <br /> 35 <br />