Orange County NC Website
. <br /> We gained another two years of landfill airspace, due to a corribination of requesting that iJNC <br /> deliver their waste to a private transfer station owned by their hauler, a continued lower-than- <br /> expected rate of waste delivered to the County landfill, ongoing increased use of alternative daily <br /> cover, the shift to heavier landfill compaction equipment and higher-than-expected rates of <br /> landfill subsidence,which allowed reclamation of some air space from formerly completed and <br /> covered landfill side slopes. Now the MSW lined landfill is projected to close in early 2013, as <br /> opposed to the mid-2011 closure date projected in the previous solid waste plan update <br /> submittal. <br /> Construction and Demolition Waste <br /> Due to the ongoing recession and the particularly depressed construction economy, as well as the <br /> State DENR April 2008 regulatory determination that anything from a retail store and any <br /> padded furniture and similar residential waste like mattresses must now be classified as MSW, <br /> the C&D waste buried in Orange County has fallen to about 1/3 of its former volume. It totaled <br /> only 10,992 in 2008-09 with an additiona16,410 tons going out of County for burial. About <br /> 3,500 tons of bulky wastes that were formerly buried with C&D were shifted to the MSW <br /> landfill in 2008-09. In 2009-10,the annual C&D burial rate is projected down an additional <br /> 26%. Thus the C&D landfill is now projected to last about 18 years. <br /> In-County C&D waste continues to decline,thus diminishing enterprise fund revenues while <br /> keeping open a facility that provides needed local services for especially smaller builders and <br /> remodelers as well as those disposing of old mobile homes trailers. Overall the C&D landfill and <br /> recycling program fixnctions smoothly but the latest reduction in tonnage has caused additional <br /> tipping fee revenue loss. Tota.l incoming C&D tip fee revenue fell by$261,000 or 33%in 2008- <br /> 09; it totaled about$525,000. In 2007-08 it was about$786,000. Other RRMO-related revenue <br /> generated from sale of scrap metal and clean wood along with the various solid waste plan <br /> review fees, licensing fees and penalties for RRMO violations were also down. <br /> The County continues field enforcement and education about the RRMO as well as taking the <br /> lead generally in investigation of illegal dumping and burning complaints throughout the County <br /> in conjunction with law enforcement agencies and the Fire Marshall. In addition, solid waste � <br /> staff responds to complaints regarding waste disposal complaints at private properties and works <br /> with property owners and/or County and municipal partners to ensure compliance with laws and <br /> ordinances of Orange County and North Carolina. Revisions to the solid waste ordinances are <br /> being developed and will be submitted to the BOCC during the upcoming planning period. <br /> Disposal rates for mobile homes are on the increase as older trailers come out of service. We <br /> accept mobile homes for disposal,verify removal of the white goods and are in the process of <br /> setting a protocol to remove mercury-bearing thermostats where they might have been in place to <br /> control HVAC systems. County staff may develop a more comprehensive plan for managing <br /> abandoned mobile homes in the upcoming planning period. <br /> 19 <br />