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785 <br />WHEREAS, <br />A, and <br />Orange County wishes to exchange part of Tract B for part of Tract <br />WHEREAS, in the exchange the County would receive a triangle shaped portion <br />of the Efland lot, valued at $1,202, which would be joined with an adjacent <br />1.5 acre County owned lot, providing road to be joined with a the remainder <br />of the Efland lot. This would make the Efland lot suitable for building a <br />home for the Habitat for Humanity project access to the existing County owned <br />lot, and <br />WHEREAS, in exchange the county would provide a rectangular portion of its 1.5 <br />acre lot, valued at $1,082, to be joined with the remainder of the Efland lot, <br />making the Efland lot suitable for building a home for the Habitat for <br />Humanity project, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is receiving full and fair consideration for the land <br />it owns, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has held a public hearing on this land exchange after <br />giving 10 days' public notice which described the properties to be exchanged, <br />stated the value of the properties, and announced the Board of Commissioners <br />intent to authorize the exchange, and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes S160A-271, authorizes Orange county <br />to exchange any real property belonging to the County for other real property. <br />IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT <br />1. Orange County, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes S160A- <br />271, offers to exchange with the heirs of John Efland, Jr. the property <br />described above as Tract B for the Orange County property described above as <br />Tract A. <br />2. The Chair of the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to <br />execute a deed for Tract B, on behalf of Orange County (and the Clerk to the <br />Board of Commissioners is authorized to attest this deed), in a form approved <br />by the orange County Attorney, naming as.grantee Habitat for Humanity. <br />3. The Orange County Attorney is authorized to accept on behalf of <br />Orange County, the deed for Tract A, in a form approved <br />J. SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CITIZENS INTERESTED IN SERVING ON <br />THE PLANNING BOARD <br />The,Board agreed to suspend using the application supplement for <br />citizens interested in serving on the Orange County Planning Board. <br />K. REVISED CHARGE AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE EMS ADVISORY COUNCIL <br />The Board endorsed the updated EMS Advisory Council operating <br />guidelines as presented and recommended by the EMS Advisory Council. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT OVERSIGHT IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />John Link made introductory remarks which are included in the <br />agenda abstract. Paul Thames reported that the abstract includes answers to