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29 <br />2. If Section 42 -94(1) is satisfied and BFE data is available from other sources, all new <br />construction and substantial improvements within such areas shall also comply with all <br />applicable provisions of this Ordinance and shall be elevated or flood proofed according to <br />elevations established according to Section 42 -37. <br />3. All subdivisions, manufactured home parks, and other development proposals located within <br />SFHAs shall provide BFE data. Such BFE data shall be adopted by reference per Section 3.2 <br />to be utilized in implementing this Ordinance. <br />4. When BFE data are not available from a Federal, State, or other source, the reference level, <br />including basement, shall be elevated at least two (2') feet above the highest adjacent grade. <br />(Ord. of 8 -28- 1995, § 5.3, eff. 8 -28 -1995, Ord. of 10 -03 -2005, eff. 10 -03 -2005) <br />Sec. 42 -94. Subdivisions, manufactured home parks, and major developments. <br />All subdivisions, manufactured home par, and major development proposals located within <br />SFHAs shall: <br />1. Be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. <br />2. Have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electric, cable, and water systems <br />located and constructed to minimize flood damage. <br />3. Have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards <br />4. Have BFE data provided if development exceeds either of 50 lots /units or five acres. Such <br />BFE data shall be adopted by reference per Section 42 -37. <br />(Ord. of 8 -28 -1995, § 5.4, eff. 8 -28 -1995, Ord. of 10 -03 -2005, eff. 10 -03 -2005) <br />Sec. 42 -94a. Standards for floodplains with BFE but without established floodways or non - <br />encroachment areas. <br />Along rivers and streams where BFE data area is provided, but neither floodway not non - <br />encroachment areas are identified for a SFHA on the FIRM or in the FIS, no encroachments, including <br />fill, new construction, substantial improvements, or other development, shall be permitted unless <br />certification with supporting technical data by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer is <br />provided demonstrating that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all <br />other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base <br />flood by more than one foot at any point within Orange County. <br />(Ord. of 10 -03 -2005, eff. 10 -03 -2005) <br />Sec. 42 -94b. Floodway and non - encroachment areas. <br />Areas designated as floodways or non - encroachment areas are located within the SFHA <br />established in Section 42 -37. The floodways and non - encroachment areas are extremely hazardous <br />