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19 <br />in writing and directed to the person doing the work and the owner shall be sent a copy via <br />the U.S. mail. The stop -work order shall state the specific work to be stopped, the specific <br />reason(s) for the stoppage, and the condition(s) under which the work may be resumed. <br />Violation of a stop -work order constitutes a Class 3 misdemeanor. <br />19. Revocation of floodplain development permits, as required. The Floodplain Administrator <br />may revoke and require the return of the floodplain development permit by notifying the <br />permit holder in writing stating the reason(s) for the revocation. Permits shall be revoked for <br />any substantial departure from the approved application, plans, or specifications; for refusal <br />or failure to comply with the requirements of State or local laws; or for false statements or <br />misrepresentations made in securing the permit. Any floodplain development permit <br />mistakenly issued in violation of an applicable State or local law may also be revoked. <br />20. Make periodic inspections throughout all SFHAs within the Orange County jurisdiction. The <br />Floodplain Administrator and each member of the Planning and Inspections Department shall <br />have a right, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter on any premises within the <br />territorial jurisdiction of the department at any reasonable hour for the purposes of inspection <br />or other enforcement action. <br />21. Follow through with corrective procedures of Section 42 -70. <br />22. Coordinate Letters of Map Change and FIS/FIRM revisions with other County departments, <br />State of North Carolina, and FEMA. <br />(Ord. of 8 -28 -1995, § 4.2, eff. 8 -28 -1995, Ord. of 10 -03 -2005, eff. 10 -03 -2005) <br />Sec. 42 -70. Corrective procedures. <br />1. Violations to be Corrected: When the Floodplain Administrator finds violations of <br />applicable State and local laws, it shall be his or her duty to notify the owner or occupant of <br />the building of the violation. The owner or occupant shall immediately remedy each of the <br />violations of law pertaining to their property. <br />2. Actions in Event of Failure to Take Corrective Action: If the owner of a building or property <br />shall fail to take prompt corrective action, the Floodplain Administrator shall give the owner <br />written notice, by certified or registered mail to the owner's last known address or by <br />personal service, stating that: <br />a. The building or property is in violation of this Ordinance; <br />b. A hearing will be held before the Floodplain Administrator at a designated place and <br />time, not later than ten (10) business days before the date of the notice, at which time he <br />the owner shall be entitled to be heard in person or by counsel and to present arguments <br />and evidence pertaining to the matter; and <br />Following the hearing, the Floodplain Administrator may issue such order to alter, <br />vacate, or demolish the building; or to remove fill as appears appropriate. <br />