Orange County NC Website
t. <br />Application Containing the Scope of Project, Line-Item Budget, and Project Narrative; its Grant Award letter(s) with <br />any applicable stipulation; and any applicable Revised Budget page and in compliance with all parts of this Contract <br />including the attachments and the Instructions 2010-11 for the grant awards and in accordance with applicable state <br />and federal laws and any local requirements. In addition, the Grantee shall maintain all grant records for a period of <br />five years or until all audit exceptions have been resolved, whichever is longer. <br />The Grantee shall provide services resulting from the grant to all members of the community served, in compliance <br />with all state and federal statutes relating to non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, <br />handicap, or age, which are contained in the Grantee Requirements 2010-11 Containing the Notice of Certain <br />Reporting and Auditing Requirements (Attachment C). <br />The Grantee shall keep Council staff informed about project activities. For the purposes of on-site monitoring and <br />evaluation by the Council, tickets and admissions may be made available for attendance at funded performances, <br />exhibitions, and other ticketed events during the grant year. <br />Council's Duties: The Council shall pay the Grantee in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract <br />Documents under the Payment Provisions. Contracts shall be paid at the direction of the State Budget Officer. <br />Federally funded grants will be paid one month in advance or on a reimbursement basis. The Council shall assist the <br />Grantee as appropriate and necessary with the implementation of this project. The Council shall provide monitoring <br />and oversight through a combination of periodic e-mails, calls, visits, attendance at events, and review of reports. <br />Matching Requirements of the Grantee: The Grantee must match this grant according to the project budget shown in <br />its Application Form or any subsequent revision of that budget approved in writing by the Council. <br />5. Conflict of Interest Policy: Non-government grantees shall have on file with the Council a copy of the Grantee's <br />policy addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the grantee's management employees and the members <br />of its board of directors or other governing body. The policy shall address situations in which any of these individuals <br />may directly or indirectly benefit, except as the grantee's employees or members of its board or other governing body, <br />from the grantee's disbursing of state funds and shall include actions to be taken by the grantee or the individual, or <br />both to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. The policy shall be filed before Council may <br />disburse the grant funds. [N.C.G.S. 143C-6-23 (b)(2007)] <br />6. Statement of No Overdue Tax Debts: Non-government Grantee's sworn written statement pursuant to N.C.G.S. <br />143C-6-23(c), stating that the Grantee does not have any overdue tax debts, as defined by N.C. G.S. 105-243.1, at the <br />federal, state, or local level, is attached as Attachment E. Grantee acknowledges that the written statement must be <br />filed before the Council may disburse the grant funds. Government grantees do not need to submit this form. <br />7. Reversion of Unexpended Funds: Any unexpended grant funds shall revert to the Council immediately upon <br />determination and no later than May 31, 2011. <br />8. Termination of the Contract: This contract may be terminated by mutual consent with 60 days written notice to the <br />other party, or as otherwise provided by law. <br />9. Reporting Requirements: The Council has determined that this Contract is subject to the reporting requirements <br />described in the attached Grantee Requirements 2010-11 Containing the Notice of Certain Reporting and Audit <br />Requirements (Attachment C). The Grantee is required to comply with the rules and reporting requirements as noted in <br />Attachment C, including audit oversight by the Office of State Budget and Management and the Office of the State <br />Auditor, the provision of access to the accounting records by both the Council and the Office of State Budget and <br />Management and the Office of the State Auditor, and availability of audit work papers in the possession of any auditor <br />retained by the Grantee. <br />Rev. 7/10 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />