Orange County NC Website
■ Federally qualified health centers: Appropriate a total of $9B over five years for <br /> operations, $1.5B for construction and renovation (FY 2011-2015) (Sec. 10503, Sec. <br /> 2303 of Reconciliation) <br /> ■ School based health centers: Appropriates $50M in each FY 2010-2013 (Sec. 4101, <br /> 10402) <br /> ■ Funding authorized, but not appropriated for other safety net organizations <br /> ■ New requirements for charitable 501(c)(3) hospitals: (Sec. 9007, 10903) <br /> •Must conduct a community needs assessment and identify an implementation strategy; have <br /> a financial assistance policy; provide emergency services; and limit charges to people eligible <br /> for assistance to amounts generally billed <br /> Long-Term Care <br /> - Establishes a national voluntary insurance program to purchase community living <br /> assistance services and supports (CLASS) financed through payroll deduction <br /> - New Medicaid state options to expand home and community-based services <br /> Prevention and Wellness: Overview <br /> - Federal government providing more funding to support prevention efforts at national, <br /> state, and local levels <br /> o Grant funds will be made available for prevention, wellness and public health <br /> activities <br /> o Some of the focus areas include: healthy lifestyle changes, reduction and <br /> control of chronic diseases, health disparities, public health infrastructure, <br /> obesity and tobacco reduction, improved oral health, immunizations, maternal <br /> and child health, worksite wellness <br /> Prevention and Public Health Fund <br /> ■ National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council (Sec. 4001) <br /> ■ Prevention and Public Health Fund to invest in prevention, wellness, and public health <br /> activities (Sec. 4002) <br /> •Appropriates $500 million in FY 2010, $750 million in FY 2011, $1 billion in FY 2012, <br /> $1.25 billion in FY 2013, $1.5 billion in FY 2014, and $2 billion in FY 2015 and each fiscal <br /> year thereafter <br /> •May be used to fund programs authorized by the Public Health Service Act and for <br /> prevention, wellness, and public health activities <br /> •Half of this funding will be used for health professional workforce training <br /> Examples of New Prevention Activities <br /> - Expands access to clinical preventive services in Medicare and private plans (with no <br /> cost sharing) <br /> - Public-private partnership to support health promotion outreach and education <br /> campaign <br /> - Some example of grants for prevention and wellness: <br /> o Maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting programs <br /> o Personal responsibility education <br /> o Diabetes prevention <br /> o Dental caries management <br />