Orange County NC Website
This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> 5. Items Removed From Consent Agenda <br /> h. N.C. Forest Service Contract for FY 2010-11 <br /> The Board considered the annual agreement between Orange County and the North <br /> Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Recourses Division of Forest Resources for <br /> protection, development, reforestation, management and improvement of forestlands in <br /> Orange County, and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the County Commissioners had an email in August <br /> from a neighborhood group about the way in which some of the logging was going on near <br /> their neighborhood. The group got a letter from the Director of the Division of Forest Service <br /> Resources. This is the Hannah Creek Homeowner's Association. He thought that this should <br /> be acknowledged that the Board heard the concerns and to point out that, despite having a <br /> very collaboratively oriented Forester, that at the higher levels of State government, the County <br /> is almost totally precluded from having any say in forestry practices. <br /> A representative from the Forest Service said that by law, when there is a controlled <br /> burn, they have to do notification. He said that he does understand the concerns of the Board <br /> of County Commissioners and that he is working with the landowner to replant trees there. He <br /> said that he has also offered to give presentations to Hannah Creek about forestry as an <br /> agricultural practice. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve the annual agreement between Orange County and the N. C. Department of <br /> Environment and Natural Resources for FY 2010-11, authorizing the Chair to sign the <br /> agreement. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> k. Approval of the Preliminary Steps Necessary to Seek Qualified School <br /> Construction Bond Financing for the Chapel Hill—Carrboro City Schools and Orange <br /> County Schools <br /> The Board considered approving the preliminary steps necessary to seek Qualified <br /> School Construction bond financing for various school construction projects for Chapel Hill— <br /> Carrboro City Schools and Orange County Schools. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she had asked questions of staff about the necessary <br /> steps for this. She said that she wanted to make clear that the Carrboro High Arts Wing <br /> project is behind us, and is already under construction, and the purple sheet has the amended <br /> list of projects. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve, as amended, the attached resolution, which: <br /> 1) Makes a preliminary determination to proceed with financing for the CHCCS and <br /> OCS construction projects; <br /> 2) Makes certain findings of fact to support the financing; <br /> 3) Authorizes the Finance Officer to proceed with an application to the LGC and seek <br /> financing proposals and other steps necessary to move forward with the financing; <br /> 4) Sets a public hearing for November 4, 2010; and <br /> 5) Provides for reimbursement of project expenditures from financing proceeds. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6. Public Hearings <br />