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Road has become a terrible and dangerous thoroughfare for both bikers and the <br /> large numbers of people bringing trash in trucks and trailers to the convenience <br /> center, also on Saturdays when it is the most populated. Therefore, a widening of <br /> Walnut Grove Church Road or better yet, a bike slash pedestrian lane would serve <br /> a greater benefit to the community as a whole than the unnecessary paving of a <br /> dead end country farm road. <br /> 5. The neighbors who live on this road feel that paving it will make it less safe for our <br /> numerous walks with our children and animals. We all drive slowly on gravel, not so <br /> on pavement. We also feel the paving of an almost one-mile dead end country <br /> road invites racing, drinking, and other undesirable activities where all but one <br /> home has no view of the road and therefore finds it hard to keep an eye on these <br /> activities. <br /> 6. I would be remiss if I did not say that the paving of Jimmy Ed Road would hurt me <br /> directly by eliminating the trees that now shelter my home and property from the <br /> lights, and noise of the church ball field. Those trees are the only buffer we have <br /> from this activity. <br /> 7. Lastly, but hardly the least is the condemnation of the Parker family's land for <br /> reasons other than safety or connectivity. This in and of itself is an egregious use <br /> of the power of eminent domain and taxpayer monies. Let it be noted that Mr. <br /> Parker agreed to donate the right-of-way as a compromise if the road was only <br /> paved to the church's second driveway. <br /> As an optimist, I would hope that if any of you who voted in favor of the paving of <br /> Jimmy Ed Road, now feel that this is a subject worthy of review, I ask that you do so for any or <br /> all of the aforementioned reasons. <br /> I thank you for your time and consideration." <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Proclamations/Resolutions/Special Presentations <br /> a. Alcoholic Beverage Control(ABC) Board—Introduction of New General <br /> Manager <br /> The Board will be introduced to the new ABC General Manager. <br /> Judythe Dingfelder, outgoing Chair of the ABC Board, introduced the new General <br /> Manager, Anthony Dubois. Mr. Dubois was selected by the ABC Board of Directors and he will <br /> start on Monday, October 11th. He has a tremendous amount of retail and human relations <br /> experience. <br /> Mr. Dubois made some introductory comments. <br /> b. Resolution Supporting the November 2,2010 Quarter Cent Sales Tax <br /> Referendum <br /> The Board considered a proposed resolution supporting the November 2, 2010 quarter <br /> cent sales tax referendum and encouraging Orange County voters to utilize the referendum as <br /> an opportunity to broaden and diversify the County tax base. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the screen behind the Board of County Commissioners has the <br /> Orange County website that addresses the referendum. He said that there is a section of <br /> FAQ's on the website. The Board has authorized the referendum, but has not taken a position. <br />