Orange County NC Website
687 <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Insko to approve the resolution which is stated below: <br /> A RESOLUTION REITERATING ORANGE COUNTY'S SUPPORT FOR THE <br /> WIDENING OF HOMESTEAD ROAD <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners met on October 19, 1993 <br /> and considered a list of projects for consideration of funding in the North <br /> Carolina Transportation Improvement Program; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County's top priority was the section of Homestead Road <br /> from High School Road to Airport road; and <br /> WHEREAS, Homestead Road is a connector facility for the Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro communities and a primary means of access for Chapel Hill High School <br /> (High School Road) and Seawell Elementary School (Seawell School Road) ; and <br /> WHEREAS, a background investigation indicates safety problems associated <br /> with turning movements along the entire corridor limits due to sight-distance <br /> problems; and <br /> WHEREAS, future traffic increases are expected on Homestead Road due to <br /> additional development as well as construction of the Southern Human Services <br /> Complex; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County recognizes that Homestead Road is a multi- <br /> jurisdictional concern, lying in the Chapel Hill and Carrboro Joint Planning <br /> Area transition areas as well as a portion of the Chapel Hill municipal <br /> limits. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br /> COMMISSIONERS: <br /> 1. Reaffirms its support of the Homestead Road project and is desirous <br /> of seeing it advanced in the Regional Project Priority List; and <br /> 2 . Respectf$lly requests that the Transportation Advisory Committee of <br /> "C-he Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Urban Area give due and thoughtful <br /> consideration to the advancement of Homestead Road in the Regional Project <br /> Priority List at its meeting on January 12, 1994. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> With no further items for discussion, Chair Carey adjourned the meeting. <br /> The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on January 18, 1994 at 7: 30 <br /> p.m. in the OWASA Community Meeting Room in Carrboro, North Carolina. <br /> Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk Maws Carey, Jr. , Chair -- <br />