Minutes - 19931221
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19931221
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650 <br />Commissioner Gordon continued to express concern with the changes to this <br />section. <br />Commissioner Gordon was concerned with how environmental review <br />and oversight of hazardous materials would be handled in watersheds, and <br />asked staff to provide her with the regulations orange County implements <br />for hazardous materials. She suggested that we might wish to add <br />additional regulations at a later date. <br />Based on Board discussion and concerns, the Board made various <br />changes to the text which will be incorporated into the final document. <br />The text was revised by staff in response to comments made by the Board of <br />County commissioners and citizens at their meetings on November 1 and <br />November 16. No formal action was taken to approve or deny any specific <br />provision during those meetings but the minutes and agenda materials from <br />those meetings provide information on that discussion. Some of the changes <br />included: <br />(a) typographical errors and gender neutral language (replace <br />"activities of man" with "human activities"). <br />(b) changes to 6.23 to reflect impervious surface. <br />limits for the Haw and Jordan as described on page lines <br />of these minutes. <br />(c) technical corrections to the numbering system for major <br />headings within the text <br />(d) clarification that stormwater structures will be inspected <br />by Orange County <br />...SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ZONING ATLAS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS <br />Changes to the Zoning Atlas and Subdivision regulations were as <br />presented at the November 1 meeting. In response to comments raised by <br />OWASA, the following sentence was proposed to be added to revisions to <br />Section 10.8 of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan: "Consistent <br />with this goal, there shall be no more than one Rural Neighborhood Activity <br />Node, and no Activity Nodes of any other type established in the Cane Creek <br />watershed". <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko to adopt the text amendments-to--the Zoning Atlas, Zoning <br />Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and Land Use Element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan as recommended and as revised by the County <br />Commissioners and the Planning Staff as indicated in the minutes above. <br />These revisions will be incorporated into the final documents. The <br />proposed effective date of new watershed and zoning provisions is January <br />1, 1994. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. CP-E-93 BOBBY KIRK, SR. AND JR. <br />David Stancil presented for Board consideration of approval a <br />proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan <br />submitted by Bobby Kirk, Sr. and Jr. This item was presented at the August <br />23, 1993 public hearing. The proposed amendment would allow a Rural <br />Neighborhood Activity Node at the intersection of Orange Grove Road and <br />Bradshaw Quarry Road. Stancil noted that a standard rural activity node is <br />125 acres in size. However, the Board may designate a smaller node. The
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