Minutes - 19931221
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19931221
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652 <br />100 feet from the arterial, 75 feet for the next 100 feet and 50 feet for <br />the next 100 feet. Beyond that, the setback should be 30 feet. He feels <br />old 86 should be four lanes with a median. The setback should include <br />sufficient right-of-way to allow for the widening of the road. He feels <br />that the Board needs to know the full implications of a permitted use and <br />what it may permit. He feels that the Buckhorn node is more industrial and <br />manufacturing orientated. The Old 86 node should be more office and <br />service oriented and the Eno Node is already characterized. <br />Chair Carey noted that he agrees that the Board needs to move <br />ahead with all three nodes. The Old 86 node is critical because of the <br />possibility of annexation from the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for a cost benefit analysis for each <br />node. She feels that it is important to work through the information that <br />Mr. Collins has provided and think about that in relation to the <br />residential base and come up with a rational formula. She noted that the <br />Permitted Uses keep changing. The Design standards are piecemeal at this <br />point. She wants time to study this information and also allow time for <br />the citizens to comment on the new information on Permitted Uses and the <br />Design Standards. <br />With regard to the Permitted Uses, she did not realize they were <br />being eliminated altogether. She thought that people would be allowed to <br />go through the slower public hearing process for the uses not listed. She <br />asked where the eliminated uses would be allowed. She feels they can come <br />up with something that will satisfy everyone. However, until she can get <br />the cost benefit analysis, she would like to approve one node as a pilot <br />project to see what happens. r <br />Chair Carey stated that at the time they have the work session <br />they will decide if they should delay approval on,all three nodes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis shared Commissioner Willhoit's vision of <br />the Buckhorn node. The node at Old 86 and I-40 worries him. Whatever the <br />County can do at the Eno Node will enhance that area. <br />Chair Carey confirmed that the Board will hold a work session in <br />early January, have the public hearing at the second meeting in January and <br />vote at that time or at the first meeting in February. <br />Marvin Collins clarified that the permitted uses eliminated for <br />a specific EDD would be allowed in other commercial and industrial areas in <br />the County through a rezoning. With regard to the economic analysis, <br />certain assumptions will have to be made. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey, Marvin Collins said <br />that it is difficult to do an economic analysis on a goal that is not <br />economic based. Chair Carey said he does not want to make this cost <br />benefit analysis a condition for moving ahead. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the strategic plan and <br />said that in terms of targeting and locating businesses that they need this <br />cost benefit analysis. <br />Commissioner Insko suggested for the January 10, 1994 work <br />session that they review the original goals in the strategic plan and at <br />that time make a decision on whether or not to request a cost benefit <br />analysis. They can also review the design standards and the permitted use <br />table as suggested by Commissioner Willhoit. Public comment will not be <br />heard at this work session but they will accept written comments. <br />D. REVISED CIVIL RIGHTS ORDINANCE
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