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651 <br />Planning Board recommended 25 acres for the node. However, only ten acres <br />of th-is could be zoned for commercial. This is in the noncritical portion <br />of University Lake Watershed. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she feels that making the boundary the <br />road would provide additional buffering. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to change the boundary <br />to the road. <br />NOTE: THIS MOTION DID NOT RECEIVED A SECOND. <br />Commissioner Insko stated she would like to see the size of the <br />node reduced. The residents in that area are concerned that the node will <br />become larger. She recommends that the node be reduced to five to ten <br />acres because this would still provide Mr. Kirk enough land for what he <br />wants to do and reassure the citizens that this will not become a major <br />activity node. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the <br />amendment, with the modifications on boundaries of the Rural Neighborhood <br />Activity Node as recommended by the Planning Board and shown on the map in <br />the agenda abstract. <br />NOTE: THIS MOTION DID NOT RECEIVE A SECOND <br />A motion was <br />commissioner Gordon to <br />southern boundary. <br />Chair Carey <br />road. However, he does <br />There will only be one <br />acres will not provide <br />area. <br />made by commissioner Insko, seconded by <br />reduce the node to ten acres with the road as the <br />agrees with limiting the southern boundary to <br />not agree with reducing the size of the node. <br />node in each watershed. Limiting this node to <br />future opportunity for commercial activity in <br />the <br />ten <br />that <br />A substitute motion was made by Chair Carey to approve the <br />amendment, with the modifications on boundaries of the rural Neighborhood <br />Activity Node as recommended by the Planning Board and shown on the map in <br />the agenda abstract except that the southern boundary should be contiguous <br />with the road. This motion was seconded by commissioner Halkiotis. <br />VOTE ON THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION: AYES, 3; NOS, 2(Commissioners Insko and <br />Willhoit,) <br />VOTE.ON THE MAIN MOTION: AYES, 3; NOS, 2 (Commissioners insko and <br />Willhoit) <br />9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROPOSALS <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to the Old 86 node and <br />stated his desire for quality standards for this particular node. He <br />commented that the Permitted Use Table allows elevated storage tanks, and <br />transmission lines which he would like to delete. He would also eliminate <br />motor freight terminals, storage and distribution of petroleum products and <br />free standing restaurants. He would permit churches and community centers <br />as special uses. He feels that clubs and lodges should be permitted, <br />possibly by special use. In section 3.3.18 on Pedestrian and Bicycle <br />Facilities he recommended changing the word "should" to "are not to be <br />designed as isolated". In 3.3.12 he recommended changing the word "should" <br />to "provide". Under 3.4.12 he recommended changing the words "trash areas <br />and dumpsters" to solid waste/recycling containers with the graphic showing <br />a screened dumpster and recycling container. He suggested that there <br />should be a 100-foot buffer along the arterial, which is Old 86. Also, for <br />the collector, he suggested that there be a 100--foot setback for the first