Minutes - 19931216
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19931216
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8/14/2008 3:44:54 PM
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639 <br />Mayor Johnson noted that the developers of University Station have <br />indicated a willingness to provide a police substation, replacement vehicles.-, <br />for the next five years, infrastructure and land for a school. He pointed <br />out that Orange County is the 20th largest county in North Carolina and 9th <br />in growth. <br />The. two Boards discussed approaching issues by identifying their <br />interest. Commissioner Gordon stressed that the County commissioners want to <br />understand where the Hillsborough Town Commissioners are coming from and why <br />they are asking the County to do certain things. <br />The Boards discussed option #4 as given on page 2 of these minutes. <br />Town Commissioner Smith said that #4 would help to create jobs, add water <br />customers, and provide for orderly growth in that part of the County. <br />In response to Town Commissioner Smith's comment about the total bill <br />being paid by the developers of University Station, Commissioner Insko <br />questioned the financial burden that would be created by future citizens. <br />County Planning Director Marvin Collins briefed the Boards on the <br />Cooperative Planning Agreement. He noted that there are still three issues <br />that need to be resolved. These three are listed below: <br />1. Small area planning process -- is the area so large that there <br />needs to be smaller areas created? <br />2. Density of development needed to support cost of extending <br />public water and sewer service, and <br />3. Legality of limiting connections to water/sewer lines extended` <br />into rural areas. <br />Town Commissioner Carol Lorenz stated that #4 creates, with the Orange <br />County Comprehensive Plan, an open space classification that would create a <br />possibility for annexation of University Station. The Town does not have an <br />ordinance dealing with the cluster concept. <br />Marvin Collins made reference to #4 and noted that creating a Land Use <br />Plan category -was exactly what was on the table for - the Board of County <br />Commissioners when the- applicant withdrew the request and the process <br />stopped. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted that a group process was set up with the <br />developer., staff, and citizens to try to resolve some of the issues. The <br />developer kept downsizing the project and the process was never finished. He <br />feels that the county and the Town could use the small area planning process, <br />involve citizens and go to public hearing. <br />The Boards discussed using the small area planning process for <br />University station and a timeline for such discussion. Both Boards agreed to <br />move ahead with a small area planning process. It was decided that two <br />members of each Board would meet within the next week to determine the <br />following which may not be inclusive: <br />1. Who needs to be involved. <br />2. How-to involve citizens in the process <br />3. A charge for the group
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