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Attachrnen~' 3 9 <br />SOLID WASTE WORK GROUP SWCC RECOMMEl1IDATIONS <br />THE PROPOSED PLAN <br />FOR ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE CENTERS <br />CORE ASSUMPTION: The Solid Waste Work Group believes that the SWCCs are a core <br />County service worth supporting as publicly owned and operated centers for primarily <br />residential waste and predominantly from unincorporated Orange County. <br />WORK GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY: The Solid Waste Work Group has <br />followed a two-year process in considering options for the future of the solid waste <br />convenience centers (SWCCs) and is now providing the following recommendation to the Board <br />of Commissioners on their location, design, operation and funding. <br />1. LOCATION AND DESIGN <br />a. A total of 5 sites in a "District/Neighborhood" arrangement <br />i. Two larger District centers at existing sites (Walnut Grove and Eubanks) that <br />have a full package of services <br />ii. Three smaller Neighborhood centers at Bradshaw Quarry Road, Ferguson Road <br />and High Rock that have fewer services but are more convenient to rural areas <br />b. Design outcomes that are believed to be necessary include: <br />i. Efficiency improvements from compaction: Compaction of both MSW and <br />bulky waste in stationary compactors should be implemented as soon as <br />practical and no later than the close of FY 2013/14 to control SWCC <br />transportation costs when use of Durham Transfer Station begins <br />ii. Site improvements to increase diversion opportunities, improve safety, <br />eliminate vermin, increase efficiency and otherwise lower cost are necessary - <br />including paving, improved loading heights, enhanced traffic flow with multiple <br />lanes to speed site usage and minimize waiting times, etc. <br />iii. Ability to expand diversion by adding recyclable materials (at District Centers) <br />including at least textiles, cooking oil, residential food waste, fluorescent <br />lamps, and enhanced salvage/exchange opportunities <br />iv. Safety/ADA improvements that meet County Master Aging Plan goals <br />v. Improved signage at each site with locations, hours and instructions for all sites <br />vi. Education will be key for use of the new system and during transition <br />c. Design Process <br />i. Conceptual site drawings/photos of improved sites have been reviewed by the <br />Work Group and are endorsed as starting points for design process <br />ii. Education and citizen involvement is key in the design/approval process <br />iii. Tours of improved sites are recommended as part of the design process <br />10/27/10 ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE Page 1 of 8 <br />