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11 <br />SOLID WASTE WORK GROUP SWCC RECOMMENDATIONS <br />• High Rock SWCC is first Neighborhood SWCC Site -also by close of FY 2012/13 <br />redevelopment in conjunction with Walnut Grove <br />o Limited to compacted MSW, bulkies that fit in compactor and single stream recycling. <br />and current SWCC TRIP materials including motor oil, filters, antifreeze, batteries, <br />and electronics <br />o Open four days a week <br />• Requires design and funding approval during FY 2011/12 <br />PHASE 2 -SOUTHERN TIER STRATEGY <br />• Eubanks SWCC fully modernized District SWCC Site by close of FY 2013/14 <br />o Based on lessons learned and determination of success with Walnut Grove <br />o Open six days a week (closed Wednesday or alternate day) <br />• Ferguson SWCC is second Neighborhood SWCC Site by close of FY 2013/14 <br />• Bradshaw Quarry SWCC is third Neighborhood SWCC Site by close of FY 2013/14 <br />• Requires design and funding approval during FY 2012/13 <br />BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION -DECISION CRITERIA <br />The Work Group evaluated many different configurations and approaches both on design and <br />location as well as funding. Decision criteria were used to achieve consensus on the <br />recommended option. The final recommendation is rated at 4.26 on a scale of 1 to 5 for <br />Design, Location and Operation, the highest of any configuration that was examined during our <br />24-month process. <br />Table 1: Rating the Final Recommendation against Weighted Plan Goals <br /> Neighborhood/ <br />Weighted Criteria Weight District SWCC' <br /> System <br />Develop a system that encourages recycling - - to reach 61%a waste <br />d 28 <br />9% 5 <br />00 <br />re <br />uction goal . . <br />Promote safe and effective materials handling at home, at convenience <br />centers and along collection routes by residents, business owners and 18 7a/ 5 <br />00 <br />staff- e.g. low loading heights, closed containers, cars isolated from o . <br />bi trucks at SWCCs, carts instead of bins etc. <br />Provide more efficient cost effective operations -lower operating costs 18 <br />6% 3 <br />09 <br />with investment of ca ital where re wired . . <br />Provide sustainable, predictable sources of funding -retain and expand <br />program services to reach goals and avoid cutting services during 15.2% 3.25 <br />bud et crisis <br />Reduce environmental impacts of waste and recycling -air pollution, 12 <br />6% 5 <br />00 <br />noise traffic carbon footprint, road wear and tear, etc. . . <br />Create Cost Equity -Those who use it more would pay more? 5.9% 3.00 <br /> 100.0% 4.26 <br />10/27/10 ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE Page 3 of 8 <br />