Orange County NC Website
. z~ ' d ~ti10.' <br />RT NOLDiNGS, LLC <br />July ~, 2005 <br />County of Orange <br />N.C). Drawer 1529 <br />Hillsboro~.~gh, N.c.rrth Carolina. 27278 <br />Attontiun: Mr. Geoffrey h'. Gledhill, Co~uity Attorney <br />Re: Second Extension of Term for Set~~ices Provided to Orange County at the <br />Community Activity Center ("CAC") in Hiilsborough, North Carolina <br />1?ear 1V1r. C_7leclhill: <br />lZ.`1'. l-1c~ldinks, LLC recently forwarded a proposed letter agreement to~Orange County, <br />Nc,rth Carolina to extend tl~e 1\~(arch 1, 1994 CAC Agreement fir the Spoits~lex facility located <br />in l lillsbvrou~;h, North Caroline. "this recent communication was prompted by the approaching <br />exl~ir~~tion oi'the prior extension agreement letter, which is dated April 5, 200. 1 executed both <br />the lint extension letter agreement and the second extension letter agreement on behalf of RT <br />Holdings, LLC. <br />It has come to RT' 1-Ioldings, LLC's attention that due to a del4y in the delivery of the <br />second extension letter agreement to Orange County, the County was unable to execute the <br />extension prier to 5:00 p.m. on .lone 30, 2005. l~Tot~~~ithstanding anything to the cont~~ary <br />contained in the second extension lette~• ag,Treement, Orange County may accept the same by <br />executing and transmitting it to n:y attention by Cacsimile prior to 5:~0 p-m: local time on July <br />1~ 200. I1'so accepted, the second extension letter agreement shall be et'feclive as of July 1, <br />2UU5. <br />Sincerely, <br />K1 ti0i r.r~. ~~ c T r !~ <br />I3y: <br />R;~LGlCf1~nS71SG 1 <br /> <br />