Orange County NC Website
565 <br />immediate geographical area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the County of Orange, North Carolina, realiz.---,. <br />the importance of selecting the bid proposal that is moE <br />advantageous to the needs of the people of the County of Orange;, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, authority for cooperative purchasing by and between several units <br />of local government is found in Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the <br />General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />NOW, Therefore, be it resolved by the Commissioners of the County of <br />Orange, North Carolina, that the Director of Purchasing and Central <br />Services of the County of Orange is authorized to participate with <br />other County and municipal governments composing the Triangle J <br />Regional Council of Governments in cooperative purchases that <br />he/she deems advantageous to the needs and budget constraints of <br />the County of Orange. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />V. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS.- NONE <br />VII. REPORTS <br />A. REPORT ON THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION COMMENTS REGARDING <br />PROPOSED CIVIL RIGHTS ORDINANCE <br />Commissioner Insko asked about a concern expressed by citizens i <br />understanding what the role of the Human Relations Commission Board member..' <br />will be. Lucy Lewis stated that the Commission members have this concern and <br />suggests that a panel be involved in reasonable cause determination and more <br />specificity in the level of training that they will be required to take. <br />Also, it would help if there was clarification on policies and procedures for <br />the Human Relations Board. This could be included in the ordinance similar <br />to that of other boards. <br />The Commission will continue to provide outreach in the County by <br />talking with citizen groups in an effort to educate them on the role of this. <br />Commission. <br />Commissioner Insko supported the idea of incorporating the role of <br />the HRC into the ordinance. <br />Lucy Lewis reported that on November 1, the County Commissioners <br />are scheduled to discuss the ordinance and make any changes they want <br />incorporated and then set a date for adoption. The Towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro are waiting to see what orange County decides. She has not heard <br />anything from the Town of Hillsborough. <br />This report was received as information. <br />B. ENERGY CONSERVATION REPORT <br />John Link stated that this report is about energy use and <br />efficiency in County buildings. Mr. Roger Hayes, Energy Manager for UNC, will <br />share the energy challenges UNC has faced and what he has done to address <br />these challenges in some of their buildings. Following this report, Pau' <br />Thames reported on the broad spectrum of energy use in County facilities an <br />strategies to address these challenges. <br />Mr. Hayes gave a lengthy report. In summary, he outlined the