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562 <br />with the provisions of Chapter 321, Senate Bill 27, Section 39 of the 1993 <br />Session Laws. <br />E. BID AWARD - REROOFING NEW COUNTY COURTHOUSE <br />The Board approved awarding the bid for reroofing the New County <br />courthouse to McCrae Roofing Company for a sum of $43,000. <br />OTHER BIDS RECEIVED ARE LISTED AS FOLLOWS: <br />AAR of North Carolina $ 57,268 <br />Baker Roofing Company 67,760 <br />Hamlin Roofing Company 69,300 <br />Owens Roofing, Inc. 44,852 <br />F. ADDITION TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING SCHEDULE <br />The Board approved adding to the County Commissioners' meeting <br />schedule a meeting for November 4 at 12:00 noon at the Government Services <br />Center and a meeting for November 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the OWASA Community Room <br />in Carrboro, North Carolina. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />IV. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />A. RESOLUTION FOR SHAPING ORANGE COUNTY'S FUTURE COMMITTEE <br />David Stancil did the presentation. He noted that a report will <br />come back to the Board by December 1st. <br />A motion was made by commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Insko to approve the resolution as stated below: <br />Commissioner willhoit stated his concern with establishing a process <br />that is ad hoc and outside of the Board's planning process. He noted that the <br />Board has not had a work session with the Planning Board for years and he <br />feels this is preempting the County's own planning work. He agrees with <br />working with the towns and feels that joint planning provides that mechanism. <br />However, if the report is received by Dec. 1 the Board can consider it at <br />their December retreat. <br />A RESOLUTION CHARGING THE SHAPING ORANGE COUNTY'S FUTURE CONFERENCE STEERING <br />COMMITTEE WITH THE DESIGN- OF A PROCESS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE QUALITY GROWTH <br />STRATEGY FOR ORANGE COUNTY AND FOR THE-TOWNS OF CARRBORO,. CHAPEL HILL AND <br />HILLSBOROUGH <br />WHEREAS, a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from the Towns <br />of parrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Orange County was formed <br />to begin a dialogue on growth management issues of importance to <br />all of Orange County; <br />WHEREAS, the Shaping Orange County's Future conference was held on September <br />30, 1993. to address issues the County and the municipalities might <br />consider in planning for the future; <br />WHEREAS, as a result of the discussions at the Shaping Orange County's <br />Future conference the potential of a comprehensive quality growth <br />strategy was identified; <br />WHEREAS, including the principles of community building is important to the <br />development of a comprehensive quality growth strategy; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and <br />Hillsborough should all have a role in the development of a <br />community building and comprehensive quality growth strategy.