Orange County NC Website
3 <br />time, there is no money budgeted for construction of the designed infrastructure. As such, <br />there is no specific construction schedule for the Phase II water and sewer infrastructure. Staff <br />will be searching for funding opportunities during the design process with the help of the <br />engineering consultant. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total amount of this expenditure is $192,000, for which sufficient <br />funds were included in a FY 2010-2011 County capital project account. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />• Award RFP #5164 and approve a contract with Hobbs Upchurch and <br />Associates, P.A. of Southern Pines, North Carolina, subject to final <br />review by staff and the County Attorney, to provide engineering and <br />design services for Buckhorn-Mebane Economic Development District <br />(EDD) Water and Sewer Extension Project -Phase II in the amount of <br />$192,000; and <br />• Authorize the Chair, subject to final review by staff and the County <br />Attorney, to sign the final contract on behalf of the Board. <br />